Chapter 18

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"Fuck!" I said under my breath as I sat down to use the bathroom. I had been preparing to go on my first hunt with Sam and Dean for months, and now I wasn't able to set foot a hundred yards from that hunt. I hadn't even seen it coming, luckily in got some lady products last time I went out, but it ruined my whole fucking day and now I was pissed beyond belief.

Dean and Sam were going to take me on my first hunt with them and they had been preparing me for months. I was supposed to go with them and find a nest of vampires that had been terrorizing Seattle because they figured I were ready. And because I bugged them for ages to let me go. Now, I wouldn't be doing shit because I started my fucking period.

After taking a quick shower, my mood still hadn't improved. I brushed my hair with quick strokes, my anger overcoming the pain from the tangles. I stared at my angry reflection for a moment, then something snapped and I punched the wall right next to me.

Seconds later, Dean frantically knocked on the bathroom door. "Blaze? You okay?"

"What the hell was that?" I heard Sam say.

I didn't answer, so Dean continued. "Are you dressed? Can I come in?"

I still didn't answer, so Dean and Sam walked into the bathroom. "Blaze, what the hell..." He trailed off before pointing at the wall. "Dude, really?"

I hadn't noticed until now that there was a gaping hole where my fist was just a few moments before.

I sighed angrily. "I can't go tonight."

"Why, Blaze?" Sam questioned.

"I just can't, okay?" I didn't feel like explaining the whole thing to them, as embarrassing as it would be.

"Something fucking came up, Dean! They'll smell me from a mile away if I go!"

Their faces were blank for a moment, then Sam's eyebrows went up in realization, but Dean's lost expression made me growl.

"I don't get it, Blaze. What could be more important than this?"

"I'm on my fucking period, alright? Damn, Dean!" I yelled.

Dean's eyes widened in shock. Then, he scratched the back of his head while blowing up his cheeks as he exhaled while looking away from me. "Awkward."

I huffed. "Don't you 'awkward' me, dick bag," I said as I put my finger in his face. "You think I'm not mad, too? I'm pissed beyond belief! I was all excited and ready for this and now I have to wait another fucking week before I can do anything!"

Sam shrugged. "We can wait another week."

"What?" I and Dean said in unison.

"Think about it, Dean," he said. "A week more of planning; we can find out how many there actually are."

Dean thought of it for a moment. "Hm, not a bad idea, Sammy."

For the first time that morning, you smiled. "Really? You guys would do that for me?"

"Of course," Sam said, putting his arm around you.

Dean then reciprocated Sam's action. "We'll figure something out." He paused for a moment, then looked at Sam and I. "So, do girls like food when they're on their, uh, period? Ice cream, burgers; things like that?"

I was going to enjoy this extra week.

* * *

I laid in my messy bedroom, legs facing up the wall and back firmly on the stiff mattress, wondering if I positioned myself the right way, my uterus would stop ripping itself apart. The answer is it wouldn't stop, obviously, and I would probably hurt myself before I got anywhere productive, but I still thought that it could happen.

The door swung open and the Winchester brothers entered the room, still in there suit get-up. I gave a groan of both acknowledgement and discomfort to them, sitting straight on the bed and cursing God for making me female.

"So," Sam started out, "Dean and I are sure it's vampires. The murders fit the criteria, and there's an ideal place for a nest not too far from here. We're gunna be heading in tonight, so I'd get prepared"



"Yeah, no can do, boys." I say, going to the fridge to hope that there was some sort of comfort food.

Dean looked at you incredulously. "And why not?"

"Because." I said simply. They didn't need to know the specifics.

"Okay, because why." Dean pressed.

You rolled your eyes and looked to Sam, but he looked just as confused as his brother.

"Female issues." You say plainly, taking a Mountain Dew out of the fridge and taking a few sips.

"Meaning?" Sam asked. I looked at them both, trying to convey the amount of "are you fucking serious" I was feeling with my eyes. They still looked expectantly and I gave the most exasperated sigh I could manage.

"Meaning that I have blood flowing out of my vagina, as it has been doing all of yesterday as you both know full well, and me going anywhere near a vampire nest is not only a dead giveaway, but I am not in the mood to chase after the damn things because every muscle in my body is hurting and I have a migraine comparable to being knocked in the head with a lead pipe. Tylenol would seriously be the best thing for me right now, not some dumb vampire hunt." I crossed my arms and stepped my foot to the side a bit, popping my hip out a bit for emphasis.

The boys both looked surprised, to say the least. Dean opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to think of something to say. Sam just looked away meekly, trying to get out of the situation a quickly as possible.

"Don't look so surprised, we went through this yesterday, dickweeds."

There was an awkward silence for a bit, but then Dean spoke up.

"Okay fine. You get the night off."

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