Chapter 15

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It was actually quite a stormy christmas eve and Sam, Dean and I had finished all the meals. It was a small chicken, and tiny portions of other traditional christmas food. San and Dean had finished their case about two weeks ago.

We didn't invite anyone to celebrate. Sam and Dean were my closest "family". It's as close as anyone gets to relative. Two small packaged presents lay under a tiny christmas tree. They were sent from my old friend, Meg, who never forgets to send something nice.

I sat near the fireplace, with Sam on my right and Dean on my left, in a mid length black dress and a white cardigan. Probably the only chance I'll be able to wear this dress in a long time, I thought to yourself. This was my first Christmas without my father. I didnt feel particularly sad, just a bit tired.

I started nibbling at the chicken. I didnt really want to eat. But, the food would be wasted if I didnt eat it. Outside the wind was blowing, and whistling. I heard a tree snap in the distance. The old, glass windows banged and clanged ferociously. The boys didn't seem alarmed. We just peacefully ate the meal, by the crackling fireplace.

It was about 10:00 at night when we finished our meal. We talked for quite a bit during our meal so it took hours to complete.

We proceeded to the small tree to unpackage the presents. I untied one of the blue ribbons and removed the lid on the first box.

It was a silver chain with with jewelled moon and a tiny gold star attached to it. It had a card with it that read,

Dear Blaze,

Merry Christmas!! I hope you have a great day.

I miss you. I hope you're having fun in your new life.

From you old friend, Meg


I opened the other box wrapped in the same paper to find a matching bracelet. They were beautiful!

"How do I look?" I asked twirling my wrist.

"Beautiful" Dean said as a laugh escaped his lips.

"You look gorgeous, Blaze." Sam complimented, sharing his brother's smile.

Dean smirked and nudged his brother who stood nervously behind him. Sam made his way towards me and presented a large cardboard box, closed with masking tape.

"I'm sorry it's not wrapped." he said, in a very hushed tone.

I chuckled softly.

Dean started giggling as Sam placed the box in your arms.


Her eyes shone in the dim light provided by the fireplace as I passed her the box. She smiled, wide and hugged me ever so tightly and I hugged her back in a strong, loving embrace. I started laughing and picked her up.

Dean's eyes sparkled, and he smiled, which was followed by a stare at the ground, and an awkward shuffle. I put Blaze down, and she went to go hug Dean in the same manner.

When her feet were firmly back on the ground, I insisted she open the large box. Dean found a knife hidden under one of the floorboards and sliced the top open. Inside was a pile of books by wonderful authors. She gasped, and covered her mouth, which was later followed by a tiny laugh. She looked like a little kid receiving a her most wanted presents. She said the book's names as she took them out.

"Les Miserables, Sherlock Holmes, Hamlet, the Prince and the Pauper, the Oddessey, the Iliad, the great Gatsby, 2,000 leagues under the Sea, the entire lord of the rings series?!" and 4 others, which names were rubbed out.

"My god, Sam, you must have spent a fortune on these! Return them! I will feel great debt towards you! I accept these books, and they are all wonderful, but I cannot let you spend all your money, for me!"

"Don't worry, Blaze, these are all my books, that I already read, and I know you have the same reading skill as I do, and I know you like these kinds of books, the books are in outstanding shape, except for the four without names, I'm sorry about those, but they are must reads! This is a present from me to you, and do not feel in dept to me, it's okay" I said with a smile.

"Look at you two nerds, getting deep into literature! Anyways, I left a present for you there myself." Dean said with a wink.


It was true, the box still felt heavy, but I couldn't work out where the additional weight was coming from. I flipped the box around and opened the bottom. In lay there a handgun pistol with ammunition, with a beautiful wood handle. On the bottom of the handle, a devil trap was carved. I didn't want to believe my eyes. The two brothers were spoiling me out of my guts.

"That's my old faithful gun, that never failed me, and is now yours to protect you, I have tons of guns, so don't feel 'in dept'" he said with a side smile.

"You guys are really too kind, I'm sorry my presents for you are nowhere near good enough. I feel guilty now!" I apologised as I handed a small box to each of them.


"You got us presents?" I asked in excitement.

"Yeah, of course!"

I tore open the snowman paper and lifted the lid of the box. Inside, was a bracelet made of multiple pieces of cord wrapped in a circle with a knot on either side to adjust the length.

"This is awesome! Thanks!" I exclaimed as I slid my wrist through the loop.

"I found it on the market when you were on that case two weeks ago. Yours too, Sam."


I unwrapped and took the lid of my longer box to find a comb.

"Wow, thanks Blaze." I said.

Blaze rolled her eyes at me and took the comb from my hands. She pulled the handle off to reveal a small blade. The blade was concealed by the comb.

"For all your hair and hunting needs." She proclaimed.

"Hahahahaha!" Dean laughed manically.

"That is so cool! Thank you!" I thanked and gave her another hug.

"Merry Christmas bros" Blaze said and hugged us both.

This is definitely gonna be a Christmas to remember.

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