Chapter 38

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I couldn't take my eyes from the spot where my plate had been only seconds before and I knew I wasn't the only one. Was it me? Did I do that? Could I make something move with my brain? I don't know but I sure hope this isn't a bad thing.

"What was that?" Sam asked, perplexed.

"Blaze, was that you?" Dean asked. He looked angry but I could see the worry in his candy apple eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Fortunately, Cas came to my rescue.

"I apologise, that was entirely my fault. It must've been my presence. Celestial beings can cause a shift in energy." Dean narrowed his eyes at the angel. I was thankful the attention was taken off me, I loved food but I didn't deserve it.

"Err... Cas? Can I speak to you a sec?" I asked and got up from the table. Dean's eyes shifted to me while Sam and Charlie stood with gaping mouths. I could feel all three pairs of eyes burning into the back of my skull as I lead Cas to my room. As soon as my guardian angel's foot crossed the threshold, I slammed the door shut and spun round to face Castiel.

"Did I do that?" I panicked, my eyes so wide I thought they were going to pop out of my head.

"It's seems you have telekinesis. You can move things with the power of your brain." He calmly stated as if it was nothing but his eyes were full of concern. I started to pa with my head in my hands.

"Ooh, this is bad. Very, very bad, right?" I lifted my head to see Cas' answer.

"Not necessarily. This could just mean you have a gift." Castiel reassured me.

"Or I could have demon blood in me and I'm meant for some Devil's army!" I was almost hyperventilating now. "I could be like Sammy!"

"Sam's visions stopped long ago. This is a natural gift. I've watched you your whole life and no harm has come to you." He put his hands on my shoulders to calm me. "This is nothing but a gift."

"So you're telling me I can move things with my mind? Like a superpower!" Most of my earlier worry had disintegrated and was now replaced with newfound excitement.

"Yes, did I not make that clear?"

I ignored Cas' reply and focused on my rabbit toy, Matthew, who lay on my pillow. I squinted my eyes at him and tried to visualise him floating over to me. It took a few seconds but my childhood toy shakily lifted from the bed and flew slowly into my arms. My mouth hung open in awe and I looked up to see Castiel grinning at me.

I felt my stomach rumble and clutched it in pain. I know Cas heard it because his smile was replaced by a solemn frown.

"Blaze, you need to eat something. You're weak; if you continue like this, you'll die in very short time." I could see the concern that filled his cobalt eyes and it filled me with guilt for making him look so upset.

I rolled my eyes. "Only something small." Before I'd even finished the sentence, Cas had gone and returned with three rich tea biscuits on a plate and some milk.

He passed them to me as I sat down at my desk and I took a deep shaky breath as I placed the tiniest crumb into my mouth. I don't usually like rich tea biscuits, they're too plain but my level of hunger made them taste delicious. I scoffed all three of them in under a minute.

"Thanks Cas." I said getting up and giving him a hug. "I needed that."

He smiled down at me. "You will need a lot more but I understand this is difficult for you so we'll go slowly."

I thanked him again before unwrapping my arms from around him and gave him the plate. He walked off without another word.

I went to the bathroom and weighed myself for the third time that day.

Ninety four and a quarter pounds.

That was way below the estimated average weight that was set for someone of my height. I felt sick from having eaten the first thing in days. I was shaky on my feet and dizzy. I ignored the feeling and returned to civilisation.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me when I sat down in the sofa and put an arm around my shoulder to keep me steady. "You look pale. Have some water." He instructed and placed a glass in my hands.

I drained the water since it not only helps me lose weight but adds no calories to my body at all. Despite all I drank, I was still drowsy and delirious. My lack of food was starting to kick in and within moments I fell on Sam's shoulder and passed out.

When I woke up Dean, Sam, and Cas were standing over me. Each of them had their own terrified look on their faces and I looked around to see I was in my bed. Cas had a guilty look in his eyes as he told the brothers this was something he couldn't heal.

"Anorexia Nervosa- Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. Persons with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight." Cas recited the definition slowly, his face still contorted in worry and guilt.

"Blaze, is it something we did wrong?" Sam asked me softly and took my frail hand.

I shook my head, feeling too weak to talk. Sam's face was like a puppy being stepped on, so broken and even a bit betrayed. There wasn't trust left in those eyes, just fear for what would happen next.

I knew the look all too well, his eyes were dead and lifeless. The same look I gave myself each time I looked into the mirror. Dean's eyes were angry, betrayed, the one's of a war hero who had returned without the rest of his platoon. The fear, the loneliness, knowing that everyone around me will self destruct.

"This stops now." Dean said firmly. "I can't watch you destroy yourself, I just can't so I need you to try Blaze, you need to try for all of us. This isn't something I can stitch up or Cas can heal with his magic angel powers. You need to work and be five times as strong as you were. It will be hard and there will always be days where you want to just end it all and stop trying. But you've got three friends- three brothers- who will be there with you day in and day out." He paused to take a breath. "I'm gonna ignore the fact that you made a plate smash without touching it for now and focus on keeping you upright."

Before I even knew I was crying three sets of arms wrapped around me to hold me tight and let me cry, knowing I needed to. Dean was right, it will take a long time, recovery always did and it would be the scariest demon I would ever face. But it would be worth it at the end of the day. I would be able to hunt without passing out because I would be strong and fit not malnourished and weak. I could save others while I saved myself from my own demons.

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