Chapter 37

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I stayed in my room for a while; staring at myself in the mirror, picking out all my flaws. My thighs touched. I should be able to put at least three fingers between my thighs. There was fat on my ribs and my hips though, admittedly, if I saw someone else with the same figure as me I would probably think they look beautiful and strong, not fat and podgey.

I sighed as I reached under my bed to get my hunting bag with holy water, knifes, wooden stakes, ropes and all the other things I need. Including all my money. I snuck past Charlie and Sam and ran up the stairs and out the door. I ran to stand in front of the impala to stop Dean from driving away.

Dean slammed on the brakes and angrily stormed out the car. "What the hell, Blaze?"

I didn't jump out the way. I should have, but I didn't. I just shrugged at Dean as we both got in the car. Dean raised his eyebrows at me as I slammed the door.

"Time of the month?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I scowled and looked away.

"No. I was wondering if I could get a bow and arrow?" I mumbled but loud enough so Dean could hear me.

"A bow and arrow?" He asked quizzically.

"Yeah. A couple of my friends had archery parties a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't bad either."

"Okay, I'll get you one."

"Thanks." I mumbled as I shoved my headphones in my ears, pressing play on my iPod and letting Elvis blast through the speakers.

After about twenty minutes I saw Dean mouth something at me. I rolled my eyes as I took one headphone out my ear.

"What?" I asked, minus the rude tone of voice.

"I said 'what you listening to?'" He asked again.

"Elvis" I replied. Dean nodded his head in approval.

"Elvis," he repeated, "I can dig Elvis."

"Good for you." I said sarcastically. Dean sighed and turned his head away, concentrating on driving.

When we arrived, Dean told me to wait in the car while he got some food and my new weapon. He could tell I was in a bad mood and clearly didn't want to anger me by making me do physical activity.

I assume I fell asleep at one point because the next thing I knew, I was back in my bed and in my version of pyjamas. I sat up and looked around the room to see a metal, modern looking bow. Next to it lay a quiver full of sleek arrows, a wrist strap and a note. I swung my legs over the bed and trudged over to my desk. The note read:

Be careful Baby B. Get some practice.

Dean xx

I put on my track pants, grabbed my bow and wrist protecting strap and swung the quiver full of arrows on my back before heading to get some practice.

I picked up my bow holding it in the proper position I learned when I was younger and smiled, eyeing my target. My heart raced and rush of joy washed over me as I let go, hitting in the 80's meaning that I was good but I wanted to get perfect. I fixed my posture and set myself up again. My eyes locked with the 100 blocking out every little sound behind me, beside me and blocking everything from sight other than that target.

Sticking my tongue out slightly I pulled my arrow back failing to notice the moose approaching me. He tapped my shoulder and I jumped, turning around and letting go of my bow. The arrow flew past Sam, getting stuck in a tree trunk, I gave him an angry look.

"Sam!.. I-I almost killed you!" I shouted looking at him. Sam's smile faded.

"Im sorry.." He said putting his head down, then looking back up biting his bottom lip his eyes finding mine as he made his way over to me, "I didn't mean to scare you." He smirked grabbing me by my waist pulling me in to a hug.

"What if I killed you?.. You need to watch where you're going" I smirked hiding my face in his chest.

"Have fun trying" Sam smiled kissing the top of my head.

"C'mon Baby B." He said taking the weapon out my hand and placing it on the table with my quiver before leading me through the corridors of the bunker. "Dean's made burgers, you're favourite."

I gulped as I sat at the table. God, the food smelt so delicious. I wanted so badly to eat but I couldn't risk it. Couldn't risk the artificial cheese and fat soaked meat setting up permanent camp on my body. Just couldn't risk it.

"Here ya go, Blaze." Dean set my plate of heart attack inducing food in front of me. "You alright? You look a bit pale." He said before I even thought of an excuse not to eat.

"I'm still feeling a bit wobbly actually. I think I'm getting the flu." I said, probably unconvincingly.

"Well you should eat something." Charlie pressed. "If you feel wobbly, it's probably from lack of food. You haven't eaten much recently."

"No, really, I'm okay." I lied.

"Just eat something, Blaze." Dean ordered.

"I'm not hungry." I lied again, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Just the burger, never mind the chips." Sam persuaded.

"No, I'm fine."

"C'mon Blaze, just eat half." Charlie pushed my plate towards me.

"I said NO!" I shouted.

As I shouted, I uncrossed my arms and swiped at the air as if I was pushing my plate away. My hand was nowhere near my plate, no one was within reaching distance, yet the plate slid halfway across the table and into the air.

It stayed there, just hanging in the air as I stared at it. A hand touched my shoulder and I whipped my head round in surprise. It was Cas and he had a worried expression on his face. As I turned my head away from the suspended plate, however, it fell and smashed to the ground.

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