Chapter 28

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It's almost midnight and I can't sleep. We've been home since 2:00 and I made the boys put on a fashion show for me which I videoed and took pictures of. Dean got a but annoyed but calmed down when I baked him a pie.

Anyway the reason I can't sleep is because tomorrow is the big day. March 3rd. My birthday. I'm finally going to be a teenager! I can wear make-up, I can go out on my own, I can't talk to boys (not that I particularly want to but it's nice to have the option) and it will all be acceptable. I doubt anyone remembered but that's okay. It's my first birthday without my dad. I just wish he were here to see it. His little girl's grown up so fast in such a short time.

I was listening to Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song whilst lying in bed when I saw a shadow appear at the door. I quickly turned my music off and pretended to be asleep, slamming my head in the pillow just as the door creaked open.

I heard multiple sets of footsteps quietly creeping towards my bed. Through my eyelids I could see a faint glow of light. A hand gripped my shoulder and shook it lightly. I opened my eyes to see Sam, Dean and Cas grinning and presenting a cupcake with a candle on it.

They all softly started to sing Happy Birthday to me as I sat up in bed. They remembered. I honestly didn't think they would. But they did. A warm, happy feeling began to spread inside me as my gratitude for this small cake and song filled me. They remembered.

I closed my eyes and blew out my candle, wishing for every moment I spent with these boys to be as magical as this.

"Happy Birthday Blaze!" They all said, still softly, in unison.

"Here." Dean presented the small cake to me. I took it and bit into it. It tasted amazing. Like my tongue was having a bath in a rainbow, if that was even possible.

"We all helped make the batch, though there is now a considerable amount of mess in the kitchen." Cas told me when he noticed my enjoyment.

As I finished my cake and fell asleep, Dean sung a lullaby to me. I think it was 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles. He sung it really well, like he had sung it every day, and I drifted off to sleep.

In that blank moment before sleep, that moment when you're not aware if your surroundings, you're just happy to be able to be in a trance of heavy eyelids and deep breathing, I swear I heard Dean say, "Angels are watching over you."

I awoke in the morning because a large heavy figure had landed on top of me.

"What?" I groaned.

"Someone's cheery this morning." Dean said, sarcastically.

"Happy Birthday Blaze." Cas said from the corner.

"You've got presents." Sam told me. "And cake."

"Cake?" I jolted up in bed. It had been so long since I had cake.

"That got your attention." Dean joked.

I leapt out of bed in my polka dot pyjamas, ran my hands through my short, red hair to smooth it out and sprinted into the living area. I assumed the boys followed me because I heard footsteps and soft laughter behind me.

On the table lay three small parcels, a letter and a homemade cake that said 'Happy Birthday Blaze' in messy, scrawled icing.

"Aww guys!" I cried, hugging all three of them in turn. "You really didn't have to."

"It's your birthday. As I understand, this is the standard way to congratulate one of growth." Cas said, rather formally I might add.

"Sure we did." Sam said, clapping my shoulder lightly and ignoring Cas' comment. "It's your big day."

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