Chapter 8

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"Mmmm, that's smells good!" I said walking out my room and towards the kitchen. "What is it?"

"Grilled cheese sandwiches!" Dean called out with a grin in his face.

"Ah of course." I said in realisation. We've had grilled cheese sandwiches at least three times a week in the five months since I've been here. The funeral was on June 18th and now it was November 24th.

I sat down at the table and began to eat.

"Hey guys, guess what!"

"What?" They both replied in unison.

"It's Christmas Eve in a month!" I said excitedly.

"Oh yeah! We don't usually make a big deal of it, but we can if you want to." Said Sam.

"Yes please!" I answered.

"Okay. We'll make sure to get you something." Said Dean.

"Thank you! I'll get you something too."" I replied.

I don't know what I would get them but it would have to be something great. After all they've done for me, it's the least I can do. I've noticed how Dean wears that necklace a lot. I could get something like that. I don't know about Sam though. I'll figure something out, I've got a month.

We carried in eating for about five minutes until Sam spoke.

"Hey Blaze, what was that song you were singing earlier?"

I froze. They heard me?! Oh god! That's embarrassing.

"Huh?" I said, playing dumb.

"Don't act dumb, you know what we're talking about." Dean teased.

"I honestly don't know what you're on about." I stated simply.

"It was good." Sam said.

"Well that's clearly a lie."

"No, you were actually quite good." Sam repeated.

"Sing it again!" Dean cried.

I laughed and shook my head.

"C'mon Dean finish your dinner, I wanna go watch tv." I replied.


"So what do you wanna watch? We got Star Trek, Silence of the Lambs, Hannah Mont- what? And Star Wars."

"Is Star Wars okay? My dad and I used to watch it all the time." I said. Sam gave me a sympathetic smile.

We used to have jedi wars and lightsaber fights. Popcorn got spilt and glasses got smashed, but those memories were some of the happiest of my life. So far anyway.

"Star Wars it is." Sam said as he put the video in the VCR.

I plopped in the seat next to Dean on the sofa and sighed deeply. He glanced down at me.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded and out my head on his shoulder.

As the movie started, Sam went out to get something and walked back in with three cardboard tubes.

I raised my eyebrows at him in a quizzical way.

"Lightsabers!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes as he threw me and Dean one each.

"Okay but only one battle," Dean said. "First lightsaber to break loses."

"Let the battle... Commence!" I shouted. That's how my dad and I always used to start our battles.

"The force is strong within you," Dean said as he approached you, "But mine is stronger!" He swung his lightsaber at you and you blocked it with yours.

"In your dreams!" I smiled as the battle began. It was intense. We were so into our fight, we ended up running all around the bunker while swinging the toy weapons at each other. Me, Sam and Dean battled our way up the stairs and he stopped, eyes wide, as you blocked a move he had made. Admittedly, they were better than me, but they were hunters, but what they didn't know was that you had had years of training in this particular battle.

"Give up yet?" I asked, backing up into a solid object. I turned around and came face to face with a beat up Sam.

We swung our lightsabers at each other for a few more minutes before we got tired and sat down to watch the end of the movie.

I was snuggled up to Dean again and eventually, with the mindless buzz of the TV, the heat radiating off his body, and the quiet sound of his laughter in my ear I drifted into the warm cocoon of sleep.

Had I been awake, I would have seen him start to pose the question of going to bed before looking down and seeing me fast asleep. I missed the unconscious sigh and the small, warm smile as he brushed a strand of hair off my face. With a flick of his wrist, he shut the TV off and set it back on the table before turning to my sleeping form.

In a moment that I most certainly wouldn't remember the next morning, warm arms enveloped me and lifted me off the soft comfy surface I had been lying against, momentarily rousing me from my slumber. With a small moan, I shifted and clung to the figure, pressing my face into a warm patch of skin and sighing. My body stiffened for a fraction of a second before relaxing. Hot breath grazed my forehead and then the figure started moving.

The soft surface under my ear rumbled as the steps became more uneven, more jostling. Had I been more aware, I would have realized he was climbing the stairs.

Next thing I knew, the warmth was gone and I was set down upon something soft. It woke me up slightly more. A whine escaped my throat as I reached out blindly, weakly towards the absent warmth and my fingers grazed his arm.

"Stay with me" my voice was little more than mumbled gibberish, but he heard.

I didn't hear a reply, but I felt the dip of my mattress as Dean climbed into the bed next to me. I snuggled up to his chest, once more and, once more, fell into a deep sleep.


Dean had carried Blaze to bed and I hadn't seen him since, so I assumed he'd gone to bed, though, as I walked past her room, I peeked through the crack in the door.

Dean was in the bed with Blaze curled up against his chest. Aww they looked so cute. Like family. I can only hope that she soon sees us as her family.

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