Chapter 34

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"Well I better pop off then darling, see ya. Take good care of Ammo." Crowley said before popping off.

"I should go to, but call me when you need me, okay? You don't need that bag of dicks." I laughed at Gabe's nickname for Will. I nodded in reply before he too, disappeared.

My phone buzzed by my side. I picked it up to see a text from Will.


You fat ugly bitch! I can't believe you did that! You're a monster.

I threw my phone against the wall and broke down in tears. Was I really a monster? I did kill his whole family but he's a vampire. He's the monster. Not me, right? He didn't mean it. But what about fat. Am I fat? I stood up and walked over to the full length mirror. Lifting my shirt up and turning sideways, I examined my body. My stomach stuck out further than my boobs and my thighs were massive. It was probably from my ballet training when I was younger but they still looked fat. Turning to the front I saw large, fat hips and fat under my arms. I practically had bingo wings. When my head wasn't tilted up, I had the makings of a double or maybe even triple chin.

Will was right. I am fat.

"Blaze! Dinner!" I heard Sam call out. Fuck! I don't wanna get any fatter and if I eat too much then I'm just gonna get fatter. I put my shirt back on and exited my room.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry." I replied as I entered the dining area.

"Aww come on! It's your favourite! I cooked the hamburgers myself." Dean attempted to persuade me.

"Naah, sorry. Just not hungry. Thanks though."

"If you're sure." Sam replied.

"I think I'm just gonna go for a walk." I declared.

"Not too far!" Dean warned.

"I won't." I encouraged.

"I'll go with her." Cas appeared by my side with a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

It was late at night. The calm breeze felt cool on my face. I told Cas I could walk alone, but he wanted to come along. Truth was, I didn't mind, Cas was always good company.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that Cas wasn't walking beside me anymore. I stopped suddenly and turned around. I saw him a few feet behind me, staring up at the sky. I ran over to him.

"Cas, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't you agree that stars are astounding? The way they light up the sky?" he said, then he moved his gaze to me. "Do you hear them?"

"The stars?"

"Yes. They're singing. Isn't it wonderful?"

I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes, "I don't hear anything." I whispered.
"Keep listening." he encouraged.

And listen is what I did. I listened to the few crickets chirping. I listened to the wind rustling the leaves on the trees. I listened to the faint buzzing of the city a while away. But I couldn't hear what Cas was talking about.

Cas could probably tell I couldn't hear the stars when he saw the frown on my face as I turned back to him. "Do you want to hear them?" he asked.

I nodded my head and he smiled. He came closer to me and touched two fingers to my forehead. What happened next left me completely astonished. I could hear the stars. It sounded like a chorus of angels singing. It was truly beautiful. I fell to the ground in awe. But then Cas touched my forehead again and the singing vanished.

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