Chapter 17

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Weeks had gone by and nothing remotely exciting had happened. For the most part that was good, it meant that no one was dying, but there happened to be two hunters and a 12 year old girl in a bunker that were dying from boredom.

I was sitting at the table where we usually do our research, scrolling through the internet. Sam had gone out to get groceries. Dean had offered to go but since the last time when he'd been distracted by the local bakery, lets just say he's not allowed to unsupervised. (He ate every single pie by himself.)

The silence of the almost empty bunker was overwhelming. Dean had secluded himself to his room, leaving me alone at the table. It was nice in a way, not having to hear Sam and Dean's constant bickering. Honestly they were worse than an old married couple.

It was so quiet it was almost like an invitation to sleep. Involuntarily, my head slowly fell forward onto my arms. Almost instantly I fell asleep.

My nap was cut short by an almost feminine shriek. Jerking upright, I looked around in confusion. Everything seemed to be normal. I checked my watch and groaned. I'd only been asleep for twenty minutes. Whatever grogginess had been there before was now gone.

Slowly I stood up and pulled my knife out. The sound had come from the back of the bunker where our bedrooms were. It was stupid to face a monster alone, but I didn't know where Dean was and Sam was still out.

One door was slightly ajar. I nudged it open with the toe of my boot and watched it swing until it hit the wall. I took a few steps in then stopped in my tracks.

Dean was standing on his bed looking scared out of his mind. I quickly scanned the rest of the room but didn't see any immediate threat. "What is it?"

"There's a spider!" He pointed to the area just in front of his dresser. Sure enough there was a small spider on the floor. I looked between them, brow raised in question. "Are you serious?"

He looked at me as if I were insane. "Yes, I'm serious. Now kill it."

"Hold on I have to get a picture of this." I took my phone out and snapped a few, then I sent a few to Sam. I knew Dean was going to make me erase them.

"Just kill the son of a bitch will ya?"

Sighing I went over and stepped on the poor guy. I hadn't really wanted to kill it but when it came to making sure things were dead, Dean wanted them triple dead. For added measure I twisted my foot back and forth a few times.

"There happy?"


I started making my way back into the hallway. Popping my head back around the door I smiled.

"Oh and I sent every hunter we know a picture of you, scared of a teeny tiny spider." Sam and Dean had given me all of the contacts on their phones in case they weren't around and I needed help.

"Blaze!" He jumped off the bed and started towards you, but you'd already bolted.

"Next time, don't ruin my nap!"

I walked back to the table and was about to continue scrolling through the internet when I realised it was pointless.

"Dean!" I yelled through the bunker.


"Can you take me to town? I'm bored and want to have a walk about."

"Sam's got the car. Wait 'til he gets back, then I'll take you."

"Urgh!" I groaned. I can't wait that long. I better take that nap then.


"C'mon short stuff. You wanna go to town or what?"

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