Chapter 39

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"Blaze?" I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and lifted the duvet cover from over my eyes to groan in response. "Look who's here to see you!" Sam said as softly as he knocked. A figure stepped into eyeshot and I squealed and jumped off the bed, almost tripping over Ammo in the process.

"KEVIN!!" I screeched, knocking into him in my attempt to give him a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages! You just disappeared. Where did you go?"

Kevin exchanged a look with Sam. "Err...I was busy stuff." He looked a bit shaken. "Anyway, I'm here about you." He pulled out of the hug and gave me a smile. I smiled back and followed him to the dining area where Dean had made breakfast.

"Scrambled eggs on toast." He said placing my plate in front of me. "Lots of protein. Help you stay strong."

I smiled my thanks and gingerly picked up my fork before putting it down again. "Where's Charlie?"

"She had to go, sorry." Sam explained.

I nodded and, this time, instead of using my hands I thought if I concentrated hard enough I could make the fork move by itself. I sat on my hands to keep them away of gave the fork an intense stare. It began to tremble on the table and after more concentration, it floated into my pile of scrambled eggs and scooped up a mouthful. Just as I was about the put the fork in my mouth, I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I put the fork back on the plate using nothing but my eyes and turned to see Kevin with wide eyes and his mouth dangling open.

"That's attractive." I chortled. Kevin didn't reply, just continued to stare. I raised my eyebrows at him as if to say 'what?'.

"You j...just made that f...fork move!" He stuttered pointing at the fork. I shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Yeah, I can do that. Cas told me I was born with it." I shrugged again. Kevin looked a little flustered.

"Do Sam and Dean know?" He asked.

"They have an inkling." I sighed and pushed my scrambled eggs around the plate with my fork in my hand. "I accidentally made a plate smash when I was trying to push my food away from me but I got a bit carried away and the plate floated in the air for a minute then smashed. Cas said it was him to save me from trying to explain."

"Can you make Dean's fork move?" Kevin asked in awe. I nodded and focused hard on the fork in Dean's hand. Just as before, it began to tremble. I concentrated harder and he fork glided through the air and into my hand.

"That's one way to tell them." Kevin mumbled.

"Blaze! Give that back!" Dean shouted at me. He didn't seemed shocked just angry. Weird.

"Alright grumpy." I said and flew the fork back to him. Dean took the utensil and carried on eating as if nothing happened. This time it was my turn to have wide eyes and a dangling open mouth.

"Dean?" I asked expectantly.

He looked up and gestured to my plate with his fork. "Eat."

"Excuse me?" Sam had looked up . "Are you not wondering how I did that?"

"Nah." Was all he Dean replied. I looked to Sam for an explanation. Had Cas told them?

"Cas told us." He confirmed my unspoken suspicion.

"Well, I'm stuffed!" I said I stood up, leaving my untouched food on the table.

"Nice try, young lady. Sit." Dean instructed. I reluctantly sat back down a scraped my way through the mountain of food I had been given. This time, using my hand instead of my mind. We suffered through the rest of the meal in awkward silence.

As Sam and I were doing the dishes, I asked if we could go back to my old house. I wanted to see if there was anything about past generations having telekinesis or if it was just me.

"Sure." Agreed Sam. "I'll take you when you've done the dishes."

I thanked him as I put away our plates in the cupboard before going back to my room to get dressed. I decided on a grey vest top that said 'j'aime les garçons nouveau', a floral print skater skirt, my black leather jacket and my brown Doc Martins. I ran my fingers through my, still fiery red, short hair so it stuck up two inches above my head.

Sam knocked on my door. "Ready?" I nodded and followed him out the door.

"I'm kinda tired, I didn't get much sleep last night. Do you mind if I sleep in the car?" I asked Sam as we walked up the stairs and out the door, taking the Impala keys on the way.

"Yeah sure. I'll wake you up when we're there."

"Blaze?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake. I groaned in response, as usual, and sat up properly. My neck ached from the awkward way I had laid my head against the window. "We're here."

"Okay." I stretched out my neck and got out the car. I sighed and looked up at the building which used to be the centre of my life. I ignored the single tear that rolled down my cheek and walked up the front path to retrieve the key that still sat on top of the door frame. Sam put a comforting arm around as we entered the house.

"So where do you want to start?" He asked.

"I guess his bedroom? He had this box that he always kept in his desk draw but I wasn't allowed to look in it."

"Lead the way." He gestured to the stairs.

I took my time on each step, savouring the moment. Who knew if I'd ever come back here again. Memories flooded my mind of days of tickle fights and pillow fights and nights of falling asleep to a story my Dad would read me in his bed. I blinked back the tears and got my dads box from the drawer. I emptied it onto the floor and told Sam to look through and tell me if he sees anything. After about 10 minutes, he found a photo.

"You didn't tell me you used to have black hair. It almost looks blue." He turned the photo round to face me. "Is that your mum?" He asked referring to the older woman in the photo.

"I've always had red hair?" I took the photo from him and examined it closely. The girl in it looked exactly like 10 year old me only with blue/black hair instead on ginger. The woman standing next to her looked like the picture I had of my mum but older. They were standing in the sea, hugging while jumping. "I thought my mum died when I was a baby?"

Sam took the photo from me but didn't turn it over. "It says something on the back, 'Dear Steven, Aqua and I miss you very much and hope you and Blaze are well. Lily xx' Aqua? Blaze, who's Aqua?"

"I...I don't know. There's a letter here. It's addressed to me." I said it as more of a question than a statement.

Dear Blaze,

My name is Lily Haplin. I am your mother. Your father has probably given you this letter because you have discovered you can do things your friends cannot. I always knew this day would come; I was 9 when I discovered my power. I learnt that, if I focused hard enough, I could move things with my mind. It's called telekinesis and I've no doubt that's what you have too. Your twin sister, Aqua, has it too. She discovered it at the age of 11. I'm 44 now (it's 2014) and Aqua and I live in Australia. I'm sorry we left you but your father and I weren't right together but we both loved you and your sister so we kept a child each.

I love you very much and use your powers wisely,

Love from Mum xx

"Sam, read this." I said and ran to the bathroom to wash my face. Not my Dad's en suite, that's where it happened. I went to my bathroom and turned the tap on. My mother's alive. I have a twin. A real twin. I have family!

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