Chapter 20

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It had been dark when I'd been taken, dark when I woke up in an unfamiliar place, and dark when I heard the door burst open and the frantic voices of the Winchester brothers calling my name.

It had been unfortunately bright for most of the rest of the time I'd been kidnapped from my comfortable bed, however, and everything seemed too vivid and too sharp and it was hard to remember anything except searing pain and the crimson of your blood splattering the floor and in my mouth.

My throat burned from the screams that had been unwillingly wrenched from my broken and exhausted frame, and I found myself briefly wondering how it had managed to go from so bright to so dark in a matter of minutes. It had only been a couple minutes since they got here, right?

That door hadn't been blown in the whole time?

This was the thought that I was caught on as my world rapidly went dim, but I managed to register the fact that the bonds holding me in place were being cut loose and that instead of being pinned to a hard metal table, I was now leaning limply against a more solid, more human form.

Green eyes stared down at me, and I could hear Dean shouting even though his voice sounded like it was miles away. I smiled slightly, happy to see him, and tried to tell him that everything was fine and that he didn't need to look so worried, but my mouth wouldn't seem to move like I told it to.

I'd never been this tired in my life, and despite the repeated command to 'Stay with me, Blaze!', I could feel my eyes drifting closed. He said something to Sam, but I couldn't hear much more than an urgent murmuring sound.

"C'mon, Blaze, I just need you to stay awake. You can do that, I know you can. Just a little while longer."

I mouth moved slightly open and closed, my jaw barely shifting, as I told him that of course I would stay awake, he just needed to stop shouting. The world just kept getting darker and darker, though, and all that would come out of my mouth was a strained, almost inaudible moan.

The next thing I remembered was waking up in the Impala to Cas's blue, blue eyes. He was staring right at me, seeming rather concerned. But then, he usually had a bit of a puzzled expression on so maybe that was just his face.

"Hey, Cas." I said groggily, the words feeling like broken glass coming out of my throat. I paused then, taking inventory of my body parts. Everything seemed there, nothing seemed broken, but I felt like I'd been hit by a truck.

My attention shifted briefly to the front seat, where Sam was watching me carefully over his shoulder and Dean was checking on me in the rear view mirror as often as he dared.

"Why's everything hurt? I get in a fight?"

Sam didn't smile like I'd expected him to, which meant that whatever happened must have been pretty bad.

"Kidnapped by demons." He said. "We got to you as fast as we could." He added quickly, as if I would have thought to blame them.

The thought was ridiculous to me, but I didn't say anything about myself.

"You were, were pretty nearly dead when we got there but Cas patched you up alright." He continued, voice soft like he was afraid to startle me.

I turned to look at Cas, whose concern had melted on seeing me awake and turned into an exhaustion at least as thorough as my. Bringing me back from the very edge of death had taken a lot of out him, and I felt a rush of gratitude.

"Thanks, buddy." I said softly, the severity of the situation starting to settle over I.

He nodded and tipped his head against the window on the other side of the back seat of the Impala. He'd made the decision to rest, and it was looking like I'd follow his example, whether I meant to or not. I struggled to stay awake a few moments longer.

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