Chapter 40

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"So you have family." Sam said. He looked pretty upset. "Guess you won't be needing us any more then."

"What? No! You are my family, I'll always need you." I reassured him.

"Really?" He asked, unsure.

"Really." I confirmed. Sam opened his arms and I snuggled into them. It was true. They were my family now and they always will be but I couldn't shake the feeling that something great would happen if I met my Mum and sister.

"Err...Sam?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you think we could meet them?" I paused as Sam's face fell, though he tried to hide it from me. "There's an address on the letter. I could just write to them first?" I suggested.

"I think that would be okay. Let's get you home and talk to Dean about it." Sam answered.


"Did you find anything?" Dean asked when he heard the front door close. "Know why you got powers yet?"

I nodded and handed him the photograph. He didn't say anything, just stared at it intently. Sam sighed and took the photo out of Dean's hands, flipped it over, and gave it back with the letter. I could see Dean's expression change and he realised what was being said in the note. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He just dropped the photo and letter before he stormed off to his room.

"Weird." Kevin said as he picked up what Dean had dropped. His mouth formed a tiny 'o' shape. "Oh. Oh right." He said and copied Dean's actions.

"Don't worry, they'll come around. They just need time." Sam put a comforting arm around my middle. I nodded in reply.

"Do we have any paper?" I looked up at Sam. "I want to write to them."

"Sure, you sit down and I'll go get you a pen and paper." He said and walked off.

"Thank you." I said as he placed the writing equipment in front of me. This letter could potentially change my life. How to start?

Dear Mum,

I crossed it out and started again.

Dear Lily,

I have discovered my telekinesis and judging by the date on your letter, it happened 8 months after you sent it. I found the letter at the house in a box in Dad's room. I don't live there anymore. Dad passed away from a stroke around 7 months ago. Two of Dad's close friends have taken me in. They're called Sam and Dean and they're about Dad's age. They're also brothers and their job is kinda different. I don't want to tell you about it all through a letter so I was hoping that I could meet you? And Aqua? I know a guy that could get you here really fast and for free. We live in Kansas. I can't believe I have a twin! And a Mum! I thought I'd lost my family when Dad died but now Sam and Dean have become my family and now I have you too!

Lots of love,

Blaze xxx

I sighed as I folded the letter up and put it in an envelope. I copied the address on the letter from my Mum onto the front of the envelope and stuck on one of the stamps Sam had given me.

"Sam, I'm done!" I called out as I turned the corner, walking towards his room.

"Oh, sorry Blaze." Dean said as I bumped into him. I began to move away but he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"You're not leaving us." I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off. "No. Let me finish. I know that they're your family and all but it's dangerous. You've been hurt before and you're family might be hurt too. They could kill you. Demons are everywhere, Blaze. They've got you before, they'll get you again and destroy everything you love. My point is if you leave, don't bother coming back."

Dean had stormed out the front door before I could even form a solid thought let alone explain that I wanted to stay. I slumped against the wall in buried my head in my knees when I heard footsteps. Not soft like Sam's but strong and angry like Deans. I looked up just in time to see Kevin grabbing his coat and storming out the door.

I began to cry in a foetal position on the floor. I don't know how long I was there but, after a while, I found myself in Sam's arms being carried to the sofa while he put Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on. He hated the show but knew it was my favourite. I nuzzled my head into his chest while we laughed at the show.

Even though I had blood relatives. This was where my family was. After all, family doesn't end with blood.


So sorry for the extremely slow update. We had a whole week of school trips and we had to be at school at 4:40 one day so I was really tired.

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Insta: _freshprincess__

Twitter: @laurennforester

Fb: Lauren Bo Forester

I'm also writing a 5SOS story so if you like them, please read it. It's called Long Way Home.

Lauren xxxx

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