Chapter 22

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It was really annoying me how no one was telling me what that demon thing was about. They were all denying it, I mean, I'm 12, I'm not stupid. Plus Sam had taught me how to exorcise/kill them so I don't see why I'm not allowed to know.

They all just say, "Not now, Blaze." every time. If not now, then when?

This is exactly what they told me when we got home from the tattoo place.

"Not now, it's late and you should be asleep." Dean refused.

"If we're not here when you wake up, we have gone to get some groceries." Sam informed me.

So much for watching a movie. I sighed and dragged myself into my room and into my bed. I had to admit, I was tired. Too tired to even get changed. So I snuggled under the duvet cover fell asleep.

* * *

I woke up in a corner of a room. I expected to be drowsy but I wasn't. All of a sudden, dark thoughts began invading my mind. My hand lifted in front of my face, turning it over as if I was examining myself. But I wasn't.

I chuckled. "I'm glad you finally woke up" I heard myself say. There was an evil tone to it. I started to panic. I was possessed. I knew it. Whoever it was, had the most horrible thoughts in its head. It was pure evil.

I felt my soul cringing from the thoughts coming from it. There was so much death and evil. These were only the demon's casual thoughts which frightened me even more.

I felt my body get up from the corner and walk towards my Victorian styled make-up table. My body stopped right in front, letting the demon examine its new body. My eyes were blacked out as a demon's eyes would be and my hands lifted themselves up and touched my face gently, sliding my fingers down my neck and body.

The demon smiled, purring. "It's been such awhile since I had such a beautiful slender and fit body." I tried to use all of my strength to push her out only managed to make my fingers twitch.

"Get out of my body!" I screamed from the inside.

The demon waved my finger in front of my face. "Ooo. No no no no. We can't be having you be so noisy now can we? I need to be able to concentrate when your precious Dean gets here. Or should I say, my precious Dean."

My head lifted up and cackled a maniacal laugh, frightening the bejeezus out of me. I had no idea I could laugh like that. My soul sat down in my body to ponder. Dean would figure out that it isn't me. I believed in him to know the difference. All of a sudden I clenched my fists and punched the mirror with inhuman strength. The glass exploded from the force, flying everywhere.

DUDE!!! WHAT THE HELL?!!! I internally screamed. My eyes scanned the shards and the demon picked up a fairly large piece with my hand. Before I knew what was happening she was slicing through my skin, giving me cuts and scratches all over my arms and neck.

YO! DUDE! WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM?!!! I tried to will my arm to stop cutting but the demon's control was too strong.

"Stop fidgeting. I need to make it look like you went through a fight." From inside of my body, I rolled my eyes so far back I'm sure I could've seen my eye sockets. Great. I had a stupid and psychotic demon. I had a good idea of what kind of girl the demon was when she was still human. Obsessive and probably killed her boyfriend at some point.

"SHUT UP!!!" She yelled, not in my voice but with her demonic voice. I cringed at the sound. "You don't get to make assumptions about my past life. I'll end yours so fast you won't even get to see your little Dean before he arrives!" I shut up and sat down, silent waiting for her next move. When she realized I was silent, she smiled innocently and giggled. "Now that's all better isn't it?" She said in a girly tone. Wow, she was even bipolar. She ignored my thought and sat down in the glass on the floor. "Now. we wait."

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