Chapter 27

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"Uuurrrrgghhhh!" I heard Dean groan for the eighth time in the last minute. It was really getting in my nerve. I guess he wasn't taking being a girl very well.

"UUUUUUURRRRGGGGHHHHH!" He/she literally screamed. For fucks sake! Right, that's it.

"BLAAAAAZZEEE!" He screamed.

"WHAT?!" I shouted back.

"AAAAAH!" Was all he replied. I groaned as I got up off my bed to see what he needed.

"What?!" I snapped as I entered his room. He was lying on his back with his legs up against the wall. His eyes were screwed shut and his teeth were clenched together in pain. He was wearing a black t-shirt and checked pyjama pants but since he was a girl his clothes were a little baggy.

"I... uh... need girl help." He said. It was then that I realised the dark red patch on his pyjama pants.

I burst out into laughter so uncontrollable that I could barely stand.

"It's not funny! It hurts like hell!" He scolded.

"Really? No shit." I said sarcastically with tears wetting my cheeks. "Come with me to the bathroom."

Dean got up with a loud groan and trudged after me to the bathroom. I opened the cupboard under the sink and showed him what's what.

"Use one of these, change them every time you go to the bathroom. At night, wear one of these. It will last you the whole night but if you wake up in the middle of the night, change it just in case." I instructed showing him everything.

"I put that... up?" He asked holding the tampon in his fingertips as if it was contaminated with germs.

"Yes, now stop being such a baby. I'll leave you to sort yourself out and bring a hot water bottle to your bed." I said as I stood up and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey Samantha." I smirked as I entered the kitchen. Sam was leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee. His clothes were ridiculously baggy because his girl self was a lot smaller than he usually is. "Dude, we need to get you some clothes."

"What's up with Dean?" He asked quizzically.

"Time of the month." I smirked.

"Oh. All that screaming for that? I thought he was injured."

"Hey! It hurts like hell and no doubt before this month is up, you'll have to experience it too." I half yelled at him.

"Alright, calm down. I'm sorry okay?" Sam pleaded.

"Okay, I think we need to go out and get you some girl clothes. You can't wear those clothes, they're ginormous." I said. Sam looked at his clothes and shrugged as if to say 'okay then'.

"You go get Dean, I'll start the car and get Cas."

"Kay." I said and walked towards the groaning coming from the back of the bunker.

"Dean?" I asked cautiously. I heard a groan in response and proceeded into his room. "We're going shopping."

"And you're telling me this because?" He asked rudely.

I rolled my eyes. "Because you're coming with us."

"I can't go out in my condition. And what about my hot water bottle?"

"Oh, shut up. You're fine. Moving about eases the pain and plus you need girl clothes." He opened his mouth to protest before I cut him off. "You can choose non-girly clothes." He lightened up a but at this. "Take some of your things with you in case you need to change them. Borrow one of my bags."

He nodded and walked to the bathroom while I went outside to the impala and slid into the backseat next to Cas, Dean, following closely behind, sat in the drivers seat and we drove off.

"Right, you guys are gonna need at least two pairs of pants and two shirts. A jacket each and then underwear and socks and stuff. Maybe a bag and some accessories too."

"Okay and how much is his gonna cost?" Sam asked.

"Probably quite a lot. We won't get any more than necessary but it could take a while. You have to try everything on because the sizes for girls are always different depending on which shop they're from." I replied.

"Seriously? How do girls get stuff done if it takes that long?" Sam asked.

"Short answer; we don't." I replied.

"That explains a lot." Dean remarked.

I scowled at him and slumped in the back seat for the remainder of the journey.

After a while, we got to town and I led the team into a shop called 'fashion 'n' fabrics'. It was a reasonably nice looking charity shop which meant it would be cheap and we would be helping people with our money.

"I miss shopping." I sighed. "I haven't been in ages."

Sam and Dean looked at each other with half sympathetic and half guilty looks on their faces.

"But you know what the best thing is about this shopping trip? Aside from being with you, of course." I asked.

Sam shrugged, Cas had a quizzical look on his face, as always, and Dean did nothing.

"When you guys are guys again, I can keep the clothes for myself for when I grow up." I smiled gleefully and skipped towards a leather jacket. "How bout this, Dean? And there's a parka here for you, Sam. Ooh, Cas, this trench coat could replace your old one quite nicely." I said, scanning the racks and racks of clothes and shoving everything I found into their arms. "Take these jeans and these shirts and go try all the outfits on." I commanded, pushing them toward the dressing rooms.

About ten minutes later they returned. Sam emerged in a white t-shirt, a green and blue checked shirt, unbuttoned, over the top, a pair of jeans, brown boots and a light green parka over the top. I must admit I was looking forward to when these clothes were mine.

Dean wore a black t-shirt, blue shirt, a pair of jeans, brown boots, a leather jacket and, of course, his weird head necklace thing that he never took off.

Cas looked very similar to normal. He was sporting a white shirt and blue tie, black pencil skirt and blazer, and a beige trench coat with smart black flats. I decided to keep their looks close to their usual ones so they felt comfortable.

"Lookin' good fellas." I complimented. "Everything fit?" I asked.

They all nodded. Except Cas.

"I don't like the skirt." He complained.

"And I don't like your attitude now deal with it. You have to look like a girl because, for the next month, you are a girl." I snapped back.


"Burn!" Dean said.

"Shall we go buy this stuff then head home?" I asked and looked over my shoulder as I made my way over to the till.

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