Chapter 19

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I woke up with agonizing cramps between my hips, a sensation I knew all too well. Holy crap, this hurts. With my eyes still screwed shut, I groaned and placed both my hands where the pain was radiating from. The warmth from my touch soothed the pain a tiny bit but it didn't soothe the embarrassment of knowing I'd managed to turn my white bed sheets into a large Japanese flag.

I lifted up the covers but before I could even step out of the bed, I heard the flapping of large wings and suddenly Cas was standing at your bedside. I screeched loudly and scrambled back under the covers, although I knew he already saw everything.

"Blaze. Are you alright? Are you injured?" he asked, sounding extremely worried. I felt my cheeks flush so I pushed my face into a pillow to hide it.

"No, Cas. I'm fine," I muttered into the pillow. He cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes.

"You are bleeding. And I can see from your face that you're in pain. I'm going to call Dean. Dean!" he shouted before you could stop him. I groaned loudly and rolled over onto my back, pressing the pillow to my face when I heard Dean's boots clonking on the floor.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding even more worried than Cas.

"It's nothing, Dean," I lifted the pillow to speak but placed it back on my face when I finished.

"She is bleeding, Dean but she won't let me help," Cas answered, completely ignoring my comment.

With every passing second, I prayed that the floor would open up and swallow me. This was so embarrassing.

"Blaze, what's going on? You sure you're okay?" Dean said as he tried to lift the blanket but I held it down with an iron grip. This seemed to confuse him even more but there was no way I was letting either of them see.

"Nothing, Dean. I said I'm fine," I snapped. "Remember that thing that we discussed yesterday and the day before? Yeah, it's still happening."

Realisation dawned on his face in the form of a smirk and I knew there was no way to avoid the endless teasing coming my way. He laughed loudly and I buried my face in the pillow again.

"She's fine, Cas. But I suggest you leave her alone unless you wanna get your head ripped off," he chuckled and patted my stomach before leaving the room. My entire face was burning up.

"I don't understand," Cas muttered to himself and I groaned loudly.

"Cas, get out. I need to change," I snapped and he flew out of the room, leaving me alone to get changed.

I got up, stripped the bed, dropped my shorts and underwear, grabbed them all in my arms and marched to the bathroom. After I'd put on new shorts with the necessary means of protection, disposed of the ruined sheets and washed my face, I stalked back into the room. Cas was sitting on the foot of the sheetless bed, staring at me standing in the door frame.

"Are you feeling better, Blaze?" he asked gently. You knew he was tiptoeing around you after you'd snapped at him and Dean.

"I've felt better," you shrugged and sat beside him on the bed.

"Dean explained to me what was happening to you," he said in his usual monotone voice. My face flushed again and I hid it in my hands.

"Oh my god," I mumbled into my palms.

"He also explained how to help. Which is why I brought you this," I looked up from my hands to see him holding a hot water bottle and my favourite chocolate bar. "Because I don't think my healing powers will work on something... like this."

"Cas, thank you that's sweet," I smiled and took the hot water bottle from him, placing it right where the cramps were the worst. The heat instantly alleviated the pain and I sighed in relief.

"Would you like to lay down? Dean told me that this might help," he smiled sweetly at me as I scarfed down the chocolate. If he was grossed out in any way by how fast and messily I was eating, he didn't show it. Then again, he wasn't the best at showing any sort of emotion.

"Yeah, that would be nice," I put the wrapper on the bedside table and crawled under the covers, the hot water bottle still pressed against my stomach. Cas seemed a little flustered so I eyed him carefully until he spoke up.

"Would you.. uhm.... would you like me to lay down with you?" he stammered. My cheeks flushed again and I looked down at the pillow, giggling slightly.

"Yes... I mean sure.. if you want to. If not that's cool too but if you want to then I'm totally fine with it," I rambled but he was already undressing. He stripped down until he was in nothing but his boxers and crawled under the covers with me after he'd shut the light off. My entire body was on fire, although I weren't sure if it was from nerves or the hot water bottle. He laid on his back with his hands behind his head and looked at me with a small smile on his lips.

"No, I do want to," he said as he gazed at my face.

"So... Dean explained... everything?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"Yes. In more vivid detail than I'd like to recall," Cas replied.

"Oh my god," I hid my face in my hands again and he laughed. It was really the first time I'd ever heard him laugh but it was a nice sound and it made me want to think of more ways I could hear it.

"Don't worry, Blaze. It's only natural. From what he tells me, it happens to all females," he said nonchalantly but it just made the embarrassment worse.

"Oh my god, Cas. Please don't," I groaned and he laughed again as I rolled over onto my side so that I wasn't facing him anymore. Before I knew what was happening, his arm was wound tightly around me with his hand holding the water bottle against my stomach. He buried his face in my neck and sighed deeply.

"Is this helping?" he asked quietly. I nodded and he sighed happily again.

"Yeah," I whispered. It's not like you were really tired since I'd just woken up about half an hour ago, but laying here with a comforting Cas was definitely helping my issue. The warmth from his body and the hot water bottle burned the cramps away and it was really hard to be miserable when I was curled up against an angel.

"Good," he whispered back.

"You're a great friend you know, Cas?"

Cas only smiled and snuggled closer.

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