Chapter 25

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"Blaze! Cas! Grab your stuff, we'll need you for this one!" Sam called out from the dining room. Cas and I ran from different points of the bunker to him and Dean.

"What'd you find?" Cas asked.

"Five deaths within two weeks of each other, all of them shriveled up like raisins," Dean explained.

"So what are we dealing with then, a witch?" I asked. This was my first hunt and the idea of witches nauseated me. It's not like I was scared, I knew how to handle them, it just made me feel a little uneasy.

"Yeah. Are you ready for you're first hunt, Blaze? Because this is a powerful one, but get this, these are what all of the victims looked like before they were killed," Sam turned his laptop for Cas and I to see. Five very attractive men and women looked at you from the screen.

"Wow, they were attractive..." I said.

"So what else did they have in common?" Cas asked.

"Well the night they were each killed they attended black tie parties and when we asked guests about the victims they just said they remembered commenting on how striking they each had looked," Sam said.

"So basically what you're saying is that we're dealing with Snow White's step mother?" I asked.

"Well it would make sense, witch wants to be young and beautiful forever, gets jealous of people that are naturally gifted with good looks, kills them so they're the most beautiful," Dean said.

"Okay but where do me and Blaze come in?" Cas asked.

"We're all going to attempt to be bait," Dean grinned slightly.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, let's face it ,we're all attractive,"

"Dean I'm 12." I butted in.

"and if we actually put effort into it we could probably lure this witch out of hiding and gank their ass," Dean carried on like I hadn't said anything.

"Okay, but even if that plan did work there are still a few problems, we don't have formal wear and we'd have to be invited to a black tie party," Cas said skeptically.

"Actually, George Fredrickson, Tobias Nickels, Francesa Collins, and Wilfred Harris have just received their invites to Oliver Drexel's 75th black tie birthday celebration," Sam grinned triumphantly, earning shocked looks from the rest of you.

"Well awesome! Where does this Drexel dude live?" Dean asked. Sam sighed a little before responding.

"Beverly Hills. Party's this Saturday," Sam looked at Dean.

"That's a long-ass drive..." I muttered.

"About a 22 hour one actually," Sam said, "So yeah, a long-ass drive..."

"Then grab your stuff, if we leave today we can make it there Friday and be able to pick out some stuff to wear to it before the day of the party," Dean said as he left the room. Sam got up and left the room as well. I looked at Cas before following them.

"Do you think that this plan will work? We don't even know if we're dealing with a witch, or if we're even attractive enough to bait this thing," I asked. Cas shrugged.

"Who knows, I mean, I know I'm attractive enough, but you...well- ow!" Cas laughed as I punched him in the shoulder.

"Screw you, Cas!" I laughed as I walked with him to the impala where Sam and Dean were waiting for us.

"I'd rather you didn't, Blaze," Cas looked a bit frightened by my comment. Must he take everything literally? He opened the door for me as I slid into the backseat. He walked over to the other side and got into the other seat. Sam and Dean looked at each other before getting in the car.

"Since when did you get so polite, Castiel?" Dean asked smirking.

"The lady is injured." Was all he replied with.

Dean just grumbled as he slipped into the driver's seat and you all started the 22 hour drive to Beverly Hills.

About twelve hours had passed in the drive. Dean and Sam had switched places so Dean could get some sleep. I had the same idea and tried to go to sleep about an hour ago but failed miserably. I was pretty close to joining Dean now though as I head rested on Cas's shoulder when I caught Sam's glance in the rear view mirror.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing, it's just..." Sam responded only slightly louder than me, "You and Cas have gotten pretty close lately."

"Well, yeah, but that's because I've been living with you for what, nine months now?" I said, finding it hard to fight the sleep trying to overcome me, while listening to Cas's breathing.

"Well, yeah I know, but you two have gotten really close lately," Sam said, "The chemistry you have with each other is amazing. And I have to admit you guys are pretty adorable together. Like a little family."

"What?" I yawned, confused, then I realized the point he was getting at, "Oh, he is my family."

"What about us?" His eyebrow raised in mock hurt. I knew he was smirking. But before I could properly argue with him I felt my eyelids start to close.

"Shut up," I mumbled. I could faintly hear Sam chuckling but I didn't care. I was drifting off to sleep and quite frankly, Cas's shoulder was very comfortable.

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