Chapter 6

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I wandered around the bunker alone. Sam and Dean had gone on a hunt and had left me at home.

I ended up at the library and saw Kevin in the same exact position he had been in when I first met him. I walked over and sat down across from him.

"Hi," I said simply. He looked up from his work, a bit startled.

"Hi," He said in return, looking back at his work. There was a long pause of silence between the two of us. Looking for a conversation topic, I looked at all of the papers surrounding him.

"So what are you working on?" I asked after a moment. He glanced up at me again, as if he were surprised I was still there.

"Translations," He said, looking down again.

"Is it too top secret for me to ask what you're translating?"

"No, it's just kind of a long story that I don't really have time to talk about," Kevin said, looking up at me again, "Where are Sam and Dean?"

"Doing some werewolf hunt somewhere in Iowa I think," I shrugged, "They didn't really give me much details about it cause they think I'm too young to know."

"How old are you?" Kevin asked.

"12," I replied.

"Oh," Kevin said quickly as he turned back to his work again. This was really going no where. I sighed and stood up.

"Well, talk to you later I guess..." I muttered. He didn't respond. So I sighed and left the library. At this point it kind of seemed like Kevin actually did hate me, and for some reason that bothered me until Sam and Dean came back three or four days later.

"Hey, Blaze," a voice said from behind me, making me jump a little. I had been making myself some lunch when Kevin had walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, yourself," I said, surprised, I had been living here for about a month now and this was actually the first time I had seen Kevin outside of the library, "Finally out of that tablet business huh?"

"No, still got a long way to go on that, but I've discovered that I'm starving and whatever you're making smells amazing," Kevin said as he walked over to me.

After the first few days of awkwardness, Kevin had warmed up to me and we had become friends.

"Well that's the magic of grilled cheese for ya," I smirked, "Want one?" Kevin's stomach grumbled which made me giggle.

"Well that answers that question," Kevin grinned.

"Alright, one super amazing grilled cheese coming up," I smiled, turning back to the stove.


Sorry for he short chapter again, this is mainly just a filler

Lauren xx

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