Chapter 13

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The .45 rattled in my hand after the first shot. I wasn't expecting that much of a kickback. I shot another, this time becoming a little more familiar with the gun, it hit the target - not center but I wasn't expecting much considering this was my first time holding a gun, let alone shooting one. I turn back and smile at Dean.

"Nice, at least you hit the board." He says with a smile, "You see that little 'U' shaped mark on the part of the gun closest to you? And then that little stick at the tip? You want that marker to line up in the 'U' and then point that lineup exactly where you want it to hit."

"You know," I say taking out your earplugs, "My father warned me about playing with guns."

"We aren't playing."

I smiled, "Then what exactly are we doing?"

"I'm teaching you to protect yourself" Dean says taking the gun from my hands and quickly emptying the round perfectly into the target.

"Jesus!" I grabbed my ears, "A little warning - ah, that thing is so loud."

"When you actually need to fire a gun, the last thing you want is ear plugs. It'll distract you and anything can sneak up on you."

"Anyone." I corrected walking up to him.

"Yeah, right." he finally answered me with a smile, "Anyone."

"I can't believe we're doing this." I return his smile and bounce excitedly on my toes, "This feels so rebellious or like we're in some kind of spy movie."

"Oh yeah?" Dean raised his eyebrow.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I saw Dean frown and he quickly turned away. It's an expression he rarely showed and I hated to see it.

"No," I immediately tried to cover, "I just wanted to make sure this was right."

He snaps, "Blaze, you are under our protection now. We need to keep you safe from anything and everything that's out there and the best way to start is for you to learn how to shoot. Once you got that down, Sammy will teach you how to kill things and how to research for cases."

You're about to begin arguing but a familiar black car reels into the lot and you watch Dean's younger brother jump out, "Sam, what's going on?" I asked.

"Dean, we...uh..." Sa looks over at you, "...uh need some help with things."

"You're so eloquent." I said sarcastically with a wink.

"Good to see you too, Blaze." Sam nods his head in my direction. I loved the Winchesters, Sam and Dean had practically adopted you as their little sister already, "I need to borrow Dean for a little bit."

"I can't just leave her here. We're in the middle of nowhere." Dean looked around and nods once more.

"Yeah, but we need you for a big problem with the car" Sam annunciated and it didn't take a genius to see something is definitely up.

"It can't be that bad if you drove it here." I pointed out, and Dean furrowed his brow and mumbled something I could't make out. "I don't mind if you need to go on a hunt."

"'s not that bad...but we need the extra hands. Sorry to cut your training short but...we need you." Sam got out of the passenger side and Dean turned to look at you.

"" Sam said impatiently.

"Can't we drop her off?" Dean asked.

"No, the motel's in the opposite direction and there isn't much time." Sam added.

Dean's voice is stern, unlike you've ever heard, "She can't come with us."

"Fine we'll drop her off but we have to be quick" Sam gave in.

"So you guys finally figured out what it is?" I asked.

"Yeah and..." Dean looks in the rearview mirror, your eyes meeting, "Dude, it's a weird one."

"At first we thought it was..." Sam turned around and saw you staring up at him, "...uh...I thought it was a Kongamato."

Dean frowned, "Aren't those from..."

"Africa? Yeah but it seems like a flock of these suckers migrated here for the winter. The lore says that they're bird like creatures with reptilian skin. They don't like fisher men and they have the Medusa complex - only instead of freezing if you look them in the eye is just pisses them off. And get this. We haven't been able to track them because they can change into a human form. That's why no one has ever been able to capture one on film."

My blood felt like ice, "They're hurting this town?"

"No, a couple towns over, that's why we're in such a hurry, these Kongs have killed at least ten this month - all of them at night." I looked out the window at the setting sun, Dean obviously notices it too as he revs the Impala's engines, "Oh, and watch out for their talons, that's what gets most people."

"So these dicks just fly around over turning boats and attacking people?" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. What the hell was I even saying? The words that came out of my mouth sounded so foreign, and yet you were already becoming comfortable with the conversation.

"Pretty much," Dean sighed, "After awhile you learn to stop questioning why monsters do whatever messed up crap they do."

"So how do we kill them?" I asked.

"Technically it's a shape we're going with silver bullets." Dean makes a sudden left turn and I slid across the back row and into the window, this car should have seat belts.

"You sound so confident." I joked, I could hear my heart begin to race.

"We think there are five of them...we know of at least three, you'll be safer at home." Sam is flipping through a raggedy notebook in the front seat.

The rest of the drive takes less than thirty minutes, and I wondered how long the hunt will take.

"When will you be back?" I asked as I stepped through the door of the motel we had booked.

"I dunno, it could be a couple of days, but we'll come back here most nights." Sam reassured, "there's money on the counter to pay for the room and food."

"Only leave this room if it's absolutely imperative, otherwise stay here. And if you get bored, you could always make that pie again." Dean instructed me.

We said our goodbyes and they were on their way, on another one of their crazy hunts leaving me with nothing but a gun and a couple of twenties.

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