Chapter 41

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It was 10:30 and neither Dean nor Kevin had come home yet. Sam had tried calling them but they didn't pick up so we didn't know when they'd be home. I get why Dean threw a hissy fit but I don't get why Kevin did. Dean thought I wanted to move in with my biological family, which I don't, but, as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason why Kevin should be acting like this. I'm not that close with Kevin. I don't get why he's so upset.

Sam said they'd come round. "Dean can't be mad at you for long. You're our baby girl and we love you. He's only trying to look out for you and even though he wants what's best for you and for you to be happy, he doesn't want to lose you either. We've almost lost you once and we don't want it to happen again."

I snuggled up closer to Sam in reply. We were still watching tv. We had been all day, but we got up for lunch. Sam persuaded me to stop watching Honey Boo Boo and convinced me to let him choose. He chose Shrek. Like the mature adult he is.

"Sam do you think we could get Cas to take the letter to my mum?" I asked hesitantly.

"I don't see why not. Why you you try calling him?" Sam replied.

I opened my mouth to call out Cas' name but before I could, a tiny gust of wind and the flutter of wings stopped me.

"Yes?" Cas asked.

"Can you take this letter to my mum? Her name is Lily Haplin and-" I began and held the letter out to Cas and he took it and disappeared before I could finish my sentence. He returned a second later.

"Blaze, you need to see this. You too Sam." Cas reached a hand out to each of us and all of a sudden we weren't on our sofa anymore. We were standing in a rather hot kitchen. I didn't recognise the kitchen but I did recognise the two people being held with knifes to their throats.

My mother let out a muffled scream as the knife sliced the surface of her neck. Not deep enough to hurt her, but deep enough to draw blood. She reached her hand out towards me and I could see the desperation in her eyes. It made me want to reach out to her. I looked up to see black eyes filled with malice as the demon nestled it's knife deep into my mother's throat.

The other figure screamed in horror and Sam heroically threw a knife into the demon, who was holding my sister captive's, face. The demon flashed and fell to his knees, releasing my sister who ran over to me and gave me a hug. Meanwhile, Sam took care of the other demon.

I didn't say anything, I just held my twin. I couldn't say everything was okay because it clearly wasn't. Aqua just watched her Mum die. My shoulder was getting wet from Aqua's continuos sobbing and, I didn't realise it, but I had a stream of tears dribbling down my face. It took me a minute to realise that my last hope of having a normal life was gone. I don't have a real parent left. It was just me and Aqua now.

"What am I going to do now?" Aqua cried. She had a thick Australian accent. That would make sense since she grew up in Australia. I looked to Sam with my tear stained face.

"You could come live with us, I guess." Sam offered.

"I don't know you though. All I know is that your name is Blaze and that we're twins. He could be a murderer or something!" She sobbed, pointing a shaky finger at Sam.

"I promise you he's not. Him and his brother adopted me after dad died a few months ago and they've been great to me." I assured her.

"Dad died?! How?" Aqua cried even harder now.

"Err... Stroke." I replied, crying harder too.

"Is he his brother?" Aqua asked gesturing to Cas. She was still huddled in my arms. "And how did you guys just appear here? And who were the people that killed my mum?"

"He's our friend and we'll explain everything soon. Let's just get you safe." Sam answered.

"You should pack up your stuff. Don't get too much, just the important things, okay?" I instructed my sister whilst pulling away from her arms. She nodded and headed upstairs.


"And this is our room now, I guess." I opened the door to let Aqua in and concluded the tour.

"Home sweet home." She said and sat sorrowfully on the bed.

"We'll take care of you, promise."


Sorry for the short chapter but I've decided to end the book here but there will be a sequel soon.

I hope you've enjoyed this story because I've enjoyed writing and reading all of your comments.

Comment if you want a sequel xx

-Lauren xxxx

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