Chapter 4

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The two men left the garden and went inside. I stayed and talked with Meg for a bit before I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

After the bathroom I sat down on a chair in the corner of the lounge and bought about stuff. This was my fault. If I just answered the stupid truth and didn't pick dare instead, then my dad would still be alive.

I sighed deeply just as Sam and Dean came downstairs. They spotted me and walked over.

"Blaze?" Asked Sam.

"Yeah?" I wonder what they want.

"We were just wondering if you have any other family you can stay with?"

I shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek. I realised I had nowhere else to go.

"Would you like to come and live with us?" Dean asked.

What? I hardly know them. They seem like decent guys but... I don't know if I can't trust them.

"We know you hardly know us but what other options do you have?" Sam stated.

Sam was right, I don't have any other options.

"Maybe, but I think I should know you a bit better before I run away with you."

"Okay well, as you already know, our names are Sam and Dean and we're brothers. We lost our mum when we were very young and we travel a lot."

"I lost my mum too, she had a heart attack when I was 4." I said. We did have something in common. "What do you guys do? Like for a job?"

They looked at each other as if they were having a silent conversation with their eyes.

Sam turned to me and said, "We're hunters but not the kind of hunters you would expect." His eyes had a concerned yet sad look in his eyes.

"Can you keep a secret?" Asked Dean.

I nodded.

"Promise not to tell but we hunt demons and spirits. Our father does the same." What the hell? "It started when a demon killed our mother and our father dedicated his life to finding and killing the demon. When we were old enough he trained us to follow in his footsteps"

"What? Are you being serious?"

"Deadly serious" Dean said.



"What?" Sam asked.

"I'll come and live with you. I suppose I have no other choice and I have to now hat you've told me you're secret."

"That's great. We'll tell your friends that your going to live with a long lost uncle in Washington so they know you won't be around."

"Okay, I'll pack up my things when the funerals over."

"Make sure to pack light, hunting doesn't leave much room for unnecessary items. See you later" said Dean.

"Bye" waved Sam.

I waved back as they walked outside.

About half an hour after our chat, all the guests had gone and I was upstairs changing into more comfortable clothes and packing all the stuff I'd need. Clothes, formal and casual, books, my four favourites, and my toiletries. I decided to pack one toy, my toy rabbit called Matthew that my mum gave me the day I was born.

I was trying to squeeze everything into 2 small suitcases when the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and peeked through the window. It was Sam and Dean. I opened the door and led them upstairs to my room where they helped me zip up my suitcase.

"Jesus, you got enough stuff?" Grunted Dean as he tugged on the zip to my clothes bag.

"You said to pack the necessities, so I did."

"Alright, let's get this stuff to the car. You got everything?"

I nodded and followed them out the down the stairs and out the front door. I don't know what was gonna happen to the house but I'm sure my grandma said something about staying there for her last years.

I turned around and gave my childhood home one last, long look.

I turned back as I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Dean signalling our time to go. I sighed and reluctantly got into the car.

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