Chapter 33

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My heart was beating a hundred miles and hour. I felt my eyes sting with tears. "What are you doing here?" I choked trying desperately to hod back tears.

"What are you doing here?" Will fired back.

I shook my head. "You're a vampire?" Will didn't reply, he only looked down.

Anger was replacing the pain inside me like a fire spreading through thatched houses and before I knew it, I had dipped my knife in dead mans blood and was stabbing every vamp in sight, Sam and Dean following my lead. I wanted every last blood sucking venomous pig to be gone. Every one except Will. I wanted Will to live on his own for the rest of his painstakingly long life. Admittedly I lied to him too but no ones keeping score. And anyway, what he is is far worse than what I am.

Once every vamp was dead except Will I looked him dead in the eye. "Well, it looks like I've come back..." I paused to add drama. "And bit you in the butt." I spat at him and turned around and stormed off with my head help high.

I put my gear in the trunk of the impala and slumped in the back with a scowl on my face. Sam and Dean got in the car shortly. I spoke before they had a chance. "I'm fine, I just wanna go home."

The pain was starting to seep back into my brain and I couldn't control the tears that flowed freely down my face.


I slammed the door harder than I had initially intended. The room shook from the reverberation. If the Winchesters didn't come running, I would be surprised. The bunker was not the most soundproof building to be locked in. My phone was gripped tightly in my hand and it vibrated for the fifth time since I had left the car. I stomped inside the Men of Letter's fortress. The text was from Will. I didn't need to check my phone to know.

I looked at the cheap piece of plastic in my hand. It was a disposable. I didn't care what happened to it at this point. With a powerful round up, I threw it across the bunker. He could go ahead and get hit by a truck for all I cared.

I could hear Dean's voice and Sam's quick footsteps as they ran toward the ruckus I was making. There was only so much that I wanted to explain. I descended the stairs quickly and dashed toward my room. If the boys knew any better, they would leave me alone and keep me far away from the stakes, guns, or angel blades.

I slammed the door to my room shut, then slid my back down the frame. Ammo came up to my feet and nuzzled his head into my side. There wasn't a sound coming from the other side of the door. It was odd. The boys tended to be more persistent when it came to other people's emotions. It was a shame that both of them didn't take the time to look at themselves every once and a while. I released a bitter sigh and curled into a ball on the ground. My arms wrapped around my knees. Closing my eyes, I drifted off for a moment.

"Well, aren't we being a bit dramatic." The English accent was unmistakable. "Have a tough evening, darling?"

I blinked at him for a moment before my attention became distracted by the other figure sitting on my bed. In his hands was my phone, surprisingly, in one piece.

"Sheesh, Blaze. Where did you find this guy?" The man on my bed laughed and continued to scroll.

"Who are you?" I asked in slight terror.

"I'm Gabriel. You're little angel pal's brother?" He replied.

My eyes went wide and were shifting between Crowley and Gabriel. How on earth did BOTH of them get past all of the warding? I stuttered for a moment. Gabriel had tossed the phone aside and walked over to where I sat stunned on the floor. He held out a hand to me. I shifted nervously, trying to judge just what the hell was going on. I placed a hesitant hand in Gabriel's and he pulled me from the ground. His lips curled into a mischievous smile. It was that kind of a smile from Gabriel that left me cautious, but intrigued. I gave a skeptical gaze in return and my eyes flashed back to Crowley in an instant. His dark features were subtly amused. It made me uncomfortable, but I was going to try not to let it show.

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