Chapter 31

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"Take a deep breath" I note to Jong, who tries to meditate

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"Take a deep breath" I note to Jong, who tries to meditate.

"I'm trying Princess Azara" he sighs, pushing his knuckles closer to each other. 

Suddenly, something shakes us out of the peace. A large beast jumps onto the ship. Rolling out of my sitting position, two long fire daggers shoot out from my hands. "Look out Princess!" Jong calls, trying to pull me to the ground as the beast barrels past us.

"Get back! We're after a stowaway" the woman sneers from atop the beast.

"There are no stowaways on my ship" Zuko growls angrily, finally getting on deck with Grandpa.

I watch in amazement as the beast rips a piece of the deck out, throwing it over to Zuko, who sucks quickly. While the others get into a firebending stance, I continue to watch things unfold. Yet again with surprise, a man begins to run, but the beast is on his trail. Jabbing it's tongue out, the man falls to the ground.

"He's paralyzed" Zuko says in shock as I walk over to him.

The girl hoists the an over her shoulder, a grin on her face "Only temporarily. The toxins will wear off in about an hour. But by then, he'll be in jail and I'll have my money." 

"But how did you find him here?" I question, looking over to my cousin.

Quickly, she mounts the beast, a grin playing on her lips "My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away."

"Well, I'm impressed. Very impressed" Grandpa chuckles as the woman rides away. With sick expressions, Zuko and I glance at Grandpa.


A few hours later, Grandpa, Zuko and I venture into a town to find the woman.

"Maybe let me do the talking" I say to Zuko, who pushes a man. "Why?" he snaps suddenly. Catching sight of the girl, he rushes past me "Hey! I need to talk to you."

Looking up with unamusement, the girl says "Well, if it isn't my new friends: Angry Boy, Fire Girl and Uncle Lazy.

"Your beast trashed my ship. You have to pay me back!" Zuko growls, slamming his hand down on the table. The girl simply laughs "I seem to be a little short on cash."

Once saying that, she offers drinks to everyone in the tavern.

"Money isn't what I had in mind" Zuko growls, grabbing her wrist. "Zuko" I note harshly, his hand releasing from her skin.

"I need you to find someone" Zuko notes as the four of us exit outside, holding up Katara's necklace.

I haven't seen Katara, Aang and Sokka since Omashu. Hopefully me finding them on a giant beast wouldn't make them hate me. 

The girl scoffs "What happened? Your girlfriend run off on you?"

"It's not the girl I'm after, it's the bald monk she's traveling with" Zuko growls, forcefully pushing the necklace towards the girl. "Whatever you say."

"If yo help us" I voice out "consider the damages to the ship paid for."

Scoffing the girls chuckles "Yeah, forget it."

"Plus, we'll pay your weight in gold" Grandpa throws in with a wink. 

Turning in surprise, the girl pokes at Grandpa's belly "Make it your weight in gold, and we have a deal."

"You got it!" Grandpa chuckles.

"Get on!" the girl notes, easily hopping onto the beast. Sighing, I pull my self up next, sitting right behind her. Then Zuko and finally Grandpa. Waving the necklace in front of the beast's face, it jerks forward with the scent of Katara.

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