Chapter 68

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I hope you all enjoy this extremely long chapter!!
The Avatar was alive, he was really alive.

Guards pull me back before they see me, but I still hear what going on. "Where is he? Where's the Firelord?" Aang demands.

"You mean I'm not good enough for you?" Azula mocks, acting hurt. "You're hurting my feelings."

Angrily, Sokka steps in. "Stop wasting our time and give us the information. You're powerless and in no position to refuse."

"And stick to the truth. I'll be able to tell if you're lying" Toph growls angrily, a small smile on my lips.

"Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar" Azula chuckles, pausing slightly. "I am a four-hundred foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings."

Toph takes a minute to respond. "Okay, you're good, I admit it." The sound of earth rising shakes the ground, the guards looking to one another. "But you ought to consider telling the truth anyway!"

The sound of rocks imploding follow, my smile faltering. "When I left Ba Sing Se I brought home some souvenirs: Dai Li agents!" Azula cackles. Then the sounds of the others fighting follows.

"Come on" the guards growl, pulling me towards another door. Kicking my feet, I let out a growl.

"No! Let me go this instant if you know what's good for you!" I snarl, my nails digging into their skin.

One of them laughs. "And what can you do? You're nothing but the dried up legacy of your grandfather."

With a sturdy kick, I manage to break free from their grasp. Snarling, my feet propel me forward, the sensation of running something I haven't felt in what felt like years. Just how Ren taught me, my fingers dig deep into the sides of the guards, quickly moving to their arms and legs. Looking over their bodies, I feel proud. I wasn't useless.

Entering the midst of the fight, I follow alongside Toph, which might not have been the best of ideas. "Back off!" She hisses, kicking a handful of rocks my way.

"Toph!" I cry, barely dodging the rocks. "It's me! Azara!"

She pauses in her pursuit, hand taking mine. "You could really do something about your hands, Azara. They're really dry."

A small smile creeks from me. "I've missed you too."

"I can't pin her down! She's too quick!" Aang cries out, drawing Toph and I from our reunion. Pulling me, Toph runs past Dai Li guards, earth shooting from the ground and pinning them. I set my sights on Azula, who enters a tunnel just as another agent blocks it. Groaning, Toph releases my hand, helping Aang to destroy the hard element.

An agent prepares to attack, but my fingertips dive deep into his skin, his body falling limp against a metal beam. Toph grins, folding the metal around him.

"That's new" I state, but she merely shakes her head, pointing towards the hole where Azula ran through. The two of us run, catching up to Sokka, Azula and Aang.

"Wait! Aang! Toph! Azara?!" Sokka falls out, stopping in his tracks. "Stop attacking! Don't you see what she's doing? She's just playing with us. She's not even trying to win this fight!"

Azula also stops, replying calmly. "Not true. I'm giving it my all."

"You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time!" Toph snarls

"Um, right, I think your friend just said that, genius. And since you can't see, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes" Azula replies, rolling her eyes in disgust.

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