Chapter 49

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Enjoy this long chapter everyone!!!

The battle continued, with the Boulder winning all of them. The lights dimmed around us, just a small bit zoomed in on the arena.

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Boulder versus" Xin Fu pauses a small girl appears on stage, holding the Champion Belt over her head "your champion ... the Blind Bandit!" 

She couldn't be more than 12, yet the look of determination of her face is something I shared just a few years before. Before she even bent the ground below us, I know she's the girl who would teach Aang earthbending.

The crowd erupts into an ecstatic cheer. "She can't really be blind, can she?" Katara questions, looking over to us. I look into her eyes, which remain unmoving.  "I think she is" Aang gaps.

"And I think she's going down!" Sokka cheers loudly, startling all of us as the amtch begins.

"The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl."

"Sounds to me like your scared Boulder" The Blind Bandit mocks with a wicked grin, pointing at him. "The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-alanche!" The Boulder yells.

"Whenever you're ready, The Pebble" the girl teases, throwing her head back in a laugh.

Beside me Aang freezes, eyes widening as we watch the girl more carefully.

The Boulder takes a step forward, getting ready to strike. The girl stands there, face still. Just as he takes another step, she slams her hand, rocks shifting on stage as they take The Boulder's foot, moving him into a perfect spit. He cries out in pain, Sokka's look of joy souring.

With another slam of her hand, The Boulder is thrown from the arena. Shock covers our faces as we realize what's happened.

"Your winner, and still the champion, the Blind Bandit!" Xin Fu calls proudly into the mic.

"How did she do that?" Katara gasps.

"She waited...and listened" Aang whispers. "She didn't even break a sweat" I whisper.


The next day, after Aang attempted to talk to The Blind Bandit, but ended up angering her even more, we set out to find her.

"If we want to find the Blind Bandit, the Earthbending Academy is a great place to start" Aang says as we walk through the town. "Are you sure? You said yourself that the place was a hoax" I question.

"Unless you know where she lives, we have to go there" The Avatar replies, turning into the school.

There stand the two boys from the day before, turning, they groan. "Oh great, you again" they roll their eyes, but their snarky exterior is extinguished once Katara glares at them. "Yeah, that's what I thought" she sneers, crossing her arms.

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