Chapter 67

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Sorry for the short chapter, for it's mostly filler for the next chapter.

I don't remember the last time I ate dinner with my Uncle.

It was silent, with Zuko, Ozai and Azula surrounding me with a few dozen guards. The rich soup felt like silk, and the flavor was the total opposite to that of soup in the Earth Kingdom.

"I'm surprised how quickly you've been able to learn how to use your hands again, niece" Ozai notes. "Surely you've tried to practice your bending?" My finger twitches.

"I'm afraid my connection with my bending has been destroyed" I state, keeping my eyes on my soup. I had to stay calm, or surely he would throw me back in prison, or worse.

"Well I on the other hand am glad to have you back, Azara. I mean surely you've missed the palace, especially with your recent travels" Azusa chirps, barely eating her soup. Every since my return, she's demanding doing my hair, and I agree with a forced smile. Every second her fingers comb my hair, I feel more disgusted.

My voice remains calm, not wanting to give my dear cousin any satisfaction. "I take everyday as it's own, and everyday has its desirable qualities." Her smile falls. Pushing from the table, I nod to Ozai. "I am going to walk in the gardens for a little while." He nods, and a set of guards follow me.

Looking off into the gardens, memories of my childhood whip through my mind.

"Where's Mama?" I ask, climbing into Dad's lap. His stare was hard, looking off into the distance. It wasn't like him at all and I felt my face shift to match his.

"Mama isn't feeling well, sweetheart. That's why we're visiting your cousins" he forcefully smiles, pressing a kiss to my head. Grandpa walks past, a grave expression on his face. "Son" he says quietly. "Su is asking for you. Let me take Azara." Nodding, Dad hoists me into Grandpa's arms. As he walks away, his shoulders shake.

"Is Mama gonna be okay?" I ask.

Wiping his face, Grandpa sighs. "You're a very smart girl, Azara. Why don't you read to me?"

"I've already read all of those, I want to run!" I cheer, hoping to the ground. He chuckles, standing to his feet, jolting into a sprint. Laughing, I follow, sparks of fire popping from my hands. Without blasting fire, I shoot my hands forward, leaping onto Grandpa. "I got you!"

Tears cloud my vision. I was going to be trapped here, forever.

"Azara" a voice says, a hand taking my arm.

A snarl hooks my face, the tears shooting down my cheeks, "I told you to leave me alone!" I scream, jabbing my fingers into Zuko's arm. He groans as his arm falls limp, but stays standing.

"Azara" he tries again.

"I hate you" I hiss. Taking my hand, he pulls me past the guards, waving them off. "What in the spirits are you doing?!"

"I'm trying to tell you something" Zuko growls quietly, shaking his head. "In two days, there's going to be an eclipse."

"So?" I growl, trying to move past him.

"No one will be able to firebend, and the guards will be protecting my father. If you wanted to escape, that's the day" he whispers, a small smile on his face.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, cocking a brow.

"Because you shouldn't be forced to stay in a place with people you despise" Zuko frowns, dropping my hand, face pained. Sighing, he turns, walking back into the palace.

I thought I had everything figured out for my escape. A collection of sheets tied together, a small pack and a letter for the Firelord and his family. However, it was all stolen from me the second Azula entered my room the day of the eclipse. Her long nails gripped my wrist, pulling me through the palace and into a dark bunker where lava flowed.

"What is the meaning of this?" I ask, loosing my composure.

"There is a threat of invasion, so I decided to be nice and save your life" Azula growls, releasing my hand. I gazed into her eyes, a flicker of mischief behind them. Sighing, I sit down beside my cousin, the hairs on my arms raising. "How does it feel to be home? I know Zuzu is still getting settled in, even after all of this time."

Her words felt genuine. A small smile creeped at my lips "It's different, but I'm getting used to it."

"Good" she nods, taking my hand. "It's times like these that we need to hold family close."

"How have you been Azula?" I question. "Surely all of this has effected you as it has Zuko and I."

"Please, can't I care about my dear cousin? Once this is over, we can try healing your hands." A loud boom rattles the bunker, the guards standing up straighter than before. "Princesses" one says with worry. "Shh" Azula pulls a finger to her lips. "Azara and I are having a conversation."

Just as my worries began to settle, the great door to the bunker busted open, and for the first time in weeks, I felt hope.a

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