2. Past - Zayn

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"Zayn, darling, please cheer up. You'll like them, I promise.", his mom tried to talk to him as they pulled up to the parking space but it was all in vain. He wouldn't stop frowning.

He couldn't believe this. His mom was going to marry someone she barely knew, who also happened to be  a complete stranger to Zayn. But he couldn't be selfish, he knew his mom needed someone. But no matter what, he couldn't accept all these. He couldn't accept anyone in the place of his own father.

"I know they would be nice mum, but I ..I can't. I miss dad.", The  year old 18 years old lad said and his mom sighed.

"I know baby, but you gotta understand this. Your dad is happy with his new life so why can't we?", his mom said and Zayn knew she was right. His dad left them years ago when Zayn was only 11 years old and was currently married to another women. Zayn was proud of his mom for being so amazing and giving him a good life in spite of all the struggles she had to face being a single mom. He had promised himself, he would do anything to make his mom happy,  even if that meant, he had to sacrifice his own happiness.

"Alright. But you'll be the one to blame if  I get bored.", Zayn playfully glared at his mom then chuckled which earned him a laugh from her.

"Alright. Let's go. Besides, I hardly think you'll get bored. Des has a son of your age. I think, you two would become great friends. He also goes to the school you're about to join from the next week.", Trisha said as both of them got out of the car and locked the doors.

They had moved from Bradford to Chesire just two weeks ago. Trisha had gotten a better paying job in there so they moved in Chesire. They were lucky that Zayn's grades were so great or else no school would accept him the middle of the senior year. So there he is, waiting for the school to start after a week.

"Hmm, sounds interesting.", Zayn said as he followed his mother to the house. He stood behind his mother awkwardly as she rang the doorbell.

After sometimes a mid-aged man opened the door with a warm smile and Zayn instantly knew, he liked the man.

"Ah, we were just waiting for you two. Please, come inside.", Des invited them in. They entered the house as Des closed the door behind them and lead them to the living room.

"Please take a seat.", he politely said and gestured towards the couch. The mother and son nodded to him and sat on the couch whilst Des sat on the couch across from them.

"Um, so this is my son Zayn, Zayn this is Desmond Styles.", Trisha introduced the two.

"Hello.", Zayn greeted him politely with a smile which Des returned him and said "Hello, son."

It was weird hearing 'Son' from another man who wasn't his father, but he couldn't deny, it felt good. So he smiled.

He looked around the house which was of near the size of his own house. A mid sized house but it gave him that cozy homey vibe and that's what made Zayn somehow comfortable.

"So where's your son?", Trisha asked.

"Oh, he's just about to come. He's at a friend's place, for some projects. You know, school and its pressure.",  Des said.

"Yeah, I understand. Zayn too is about to join the school, so maybe Harry can show him around?", Trisha asked with a small smile to which Des nodded.

'Harry', Zayn liked the name and the calm ring it had in it. From the conversation, the guy seemed to be like someone who loves to study which Zayn was grateful for, if they were about to become "friends come brothers". He loved to study. He'd rather spend his holidays reading a book in his bed than going out and partying all day. Yeah, he was considered a nerd in his previous school and he was proud of the title he had earned.

They continued talking and soon, Zayn got bored sitting there all alone. Not having anyone to talk to. So he took out his phone from his back pocket and started scrolling down his Twitter news feed.

He didn't know for how long he was scrolling but he stopped when he heard the doorbell ringing.

"Ah, must be Harry. I'm gonna go get him.", Des said as he got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"Be nice to him, yeah? Don't worry,I think you two will get along with each other really well", Trisha whispered and gave him a motherly smile which seemed to ease him a bit in a way.

He heard the door close and as he looked ahead of him, a smile formed on his lips at the sight of the curly haired lad, who's head was hung low, his book bag slinging on his side.

"Zayn, Trisha, meet my only son, Harry Styles.", Des said, smiling.

The curly haired lad looked up and smiled awkwardly first at Trisha who smiled back warmly. Then his gaze fall on Zayn and he smiled again. Zayn returned the awkward smile but then his eyes met Harry's.

Green met gold.

And he didn't know when his heart started doing some back flips in his chest.

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