15. Present - Talk

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Zayn woke up with the feeling of someone cuddled into his chest. Small arms wrapped around his torso and legs around his waist. He could smell the faint scent of baby shampoo and he smiled in content.

He missed this feeling.

It reminded him of the time when Harry would be cuddled into his chest in the mornings and he would wake him up with a kiss on his forehead.

He looked down and smiled when he saw Raphael snoring softly with his lips in a pout. He kissed his forehead before looking at the clock on wall, only to find it was 5 A.M. He didn't wake him up. He knew, Raph didn't have school because it was Saturday and he didn't have to go to the University to teach either. He wondered where Harry was.

Slowly and carefully, he detached himself from Raphael. Sure, he stirred a bit which scared Zayn that he had woken him up, but relaxed when Raph went back to sleep after muttering a quiet, 'love you Dad'

He smiled. He realized, how much Harry and Raph love each other. It was truely adorable

He tucked him gently in the blanket and gave him the stuffed bunny before tip toeing out of the room and silently closed the door.

He looked at the room next to Raph. The door was slightly open. Out of curiosity, he peeked into the room. He smiled, when he saw him sitting on the bed, reading a book quietly in the dimly lit room. He looked immersed in the book.

He didn't know if he should go into the room, but something inside of him told him to do so. So he walked into the room slowly and closed the door behind him without making a noise. He walked more into the room and stood beside the bed awkwardly.

"Uhm" he srarted but Harry cut him off.

"Knock the door from the next time. You may sit down.", Harry said in such a cold voice, Zayn had to restrain himself from flinching. He was not used to this cold behaviour from Harry.

Harry didn't need to look up from his book to feel that he had hurt Zayn. That was what he wanted. Hurt Zayn like he hurt him in the past.

Zayn slowly took the seat at the foot of the bed, and looked at Harry who was still looking at the book, with a blank expression.

"Um, you didn't sleep?", Zayn asked, curious and simply wanted to start the conversation.

"No.", Harry shortly replied. I couldn't because of the nightmares and thanks to you.

"How are you?", Zayn asked after a minute of awkward silence.

"Fine.", He replied, not wanting to continue the conversation.

"Um, do you work?", Zayn didn't want the conversation to end yet.

"Can't pay the bills without having one, can I?", Harry said, again in a cold voice.

"Where do you work?", Zayn asked again.

"None of your business."

Zayn could definitely say, he was hurt. But he couldn't give up on Harry. Not again when he just found him.

"Why are you acting like this?", Zayn dared to ask in a pained voice.

Harry finally closed the book and looked at him. His eyes cold as ice.

"Act like what?", Harry asked and Zayn couldn't take it anymore. He was already losing his temper before and now he had completely lost it.

He stood up and marched towards him. He held him by his both arms and pulled him up roughly so that he was now facing him. His eyes were red and glossy where Harry's were cold and blank.

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