22. Date?

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"Hey Ha-.. um, are you going somewhere?", Zayn asked as he looked at Harry in the mirror. Harry was buttoning up a black sheer shirt standing in front of it.

It had been one month since Zayn had called up his mother, but when Trisha asked him what happened, he chickened out. He just couldn't tell him that he got married with Harry 7 years ago and now have a child with him. So he decided, he'll tell her after sorting everything out on his own. He had been trying non-stop. Be it cooking him dinner sometimes, offering him a ride to his work, doing laundry for him..but every time Harry denied his help.

"Yeah.", Harry said, not even looking up to meet Zayn's gaze.

"This late? Where?", Zayn asked, frowning. It was already 7 P.M.

Where could be he going? Zayn thought.

"As I had said earlier, none of your business.", Harry said as he turned around, only to bump into Zayn.

"Sorry.", stepping back, he said and went to his bed to pick up his wallet and phone from it.

"It is my busi--" Zayn got cut off by Barbara's voice.

"Harry? Son when is Luke coming to pick you?"

"Hey Granny.", smiling, Harry came towards her and hugged her.

"Um, he's gonna be here in 10 minutes." Breaking the hug, he said.

"Oh. I hope you'll have a good time. Enjoy, yeah?" Barbara said as he pulled him down and placed a kissed on his forehead.

"Yeah. You sure, you'd be okay with Raph?", Harry asked in concern.

"Honey, I'm seeing him since he was born. Besides, Zayn's here too, to give Raph company. I'm sure Raph we'll be okay.", Barbara said smiling.

"Yeah.", Harry said smiling. As if on a cue they heard a car honking.

"I think it's him. Go.", Barbara said as Harry left, not before kissing Barabara's cheek and mumbling a small "Take care" to Zayn.

He quickly went downstairs and smiled, seeing his son watching some cartoons on T.V.

"I'm going out now but I promise, I'll be home soon, okay bud?", Harry said as he placed a kiss on Raph's forehead.

"Okay dad."Raph smiled wide, seeing his father smiling.

He knew his father was going on a date today. He didn't know what a date is, but if his father is happy then he is happy too. So he agreed when Harry asked him if he's okay with him going on a date two nights ago.

"Okay.", Harry kisses his cheek.

The doorbell rang, indicating that someone's on the other side of the door.

Harry quickly turned around only to see Zayn opening the door. He quickly walked there, Raphael following behind him and stood beside Zayn.

Zayn was confused to see a lanky tall blonde guy, standing there with a bouquet and a box of chocolates in his hands. The man seemed so familiar to Zayn. Like he had seen him somewhere in the past but couldn't decide where.

"Hey", the man said shyly to Harry.

"Hi", Harry whispered shyly as well. And Zayn balled his fists in anger. He didn't know who this man is, but he had already started growing a dislike for him.

"Um, this is for you.", the guy said handing Harry a bouquet of white and yellow roses.

"Thank you.", Harry took the flowers, blushing.

"So you are Luke?", Raphael said now standing in front of Harry, facing Luke. He had his hands crossed in front of him.

Luke knelt down in front of him and smiled. "Yeah. I am Luke. Nice to meet you. You are Raphael right?"

Raphael smiled, already liking this Luke guy.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too.", he said smiling.

"These are for you.", Luke said handing him the box of chocolates. Raphael eyes lit up. He loved chocolates.

"Thank you.", he squealed and hugged him making Luke chuckle.

Harry was seeing all these with a smile on his face. He was glad that Luke and Raph both were warming up with each other. Certainly, he wasn't regretting saying 'Yes' to Luke, his co-worker at the hotel, when he asked him out 1 week ago after their shift ended.

"Um, I don't understand anything?", Zayn decided to break in. Although, he knew what these all meant, he still wanted to confirm his suspicions.

"They are going on a date, honey. Harry, didn't you tell him?" Barbara's voice came from behind them.

All them turned around.

"Uh, I forgot?", Harry said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I see. Is that the guy you are going on a date with? He is gorgeous.", Barbara gushed as she came forward and embraced Luke in a warm hug. Luke smiled shyly before hugging her as well.

"Wait! A date?", Zayn asked. He was clearly not fond of the idea of them going on a "Date"

"Yeah honey. It's the first time Harry is ever going on a date after our little munchkin born.", Barbara smiled breaking the hug, then ruffling Raph's hair making him pout.

"No." All of them turned to Zayn in confusion who was looking at his feet.

"No what?", Harry asked in confusion.

"You can't go on a date with him.", Zayn mumbled still looking down.

"Excuse me? I don't need your permission to decide if I can or can not go on a date with anyone.", Harry said in anger. Zayn has no right to say that.

"Let's go Luke.", Harry said taking Luke's hand and dragging him towards his car.

"No you won't go on a date with him. You can't.", Zayn said, following him out of the door. Barbara who was clearly confused what was going on,  silently took Raphael into the house and closed the door.


"YOU CAN'T GO ON A DATE WITH HIM. AND I CAN STOP YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE MY HUSBAND.", Zayn said grabbing his arms and pulling Harry towards him.


"Wait? You guys were married?", Luke asked from behind Harry, clearly confused.

"SHUT UP", Both Zayn and Harry yelled at him before facing each other again.

"But..", Luke said.

"Go back. He'll not go on the date. And you..", Zayn glared at Luke before turning his attention back to Harry. "...you are coming with me. Now."

He didn't even wait for an answer before dragging Harry by his wrist, towards his car and pushing him inside. He quickly got into the driver's seat before locking the doors and drive away.

"What the actual fúck just happened here?", Luke mumbled to himself before rolling his eyes and getting back into the car.

"Man, why that guy and Harry seems so familiar to me? Like I have seen them?", Luke mumbled to himself as he started driving in a slow speed.

He was thinking and thinking, then suddenly he stopped the car.

"Oh my fúck. Harry was the dude I met in that gay bar of Vegas and that Zayn was with him.", his blue eyed went wide in realization. Then he started chuckling.

"Man, this world is really small.", he started driving.

"But boy, do they look damn good together? They definitely make a hot couple, I must say."

*sighs* same luke, same.

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