8. Present - Zayn

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"Where's Liam and Louis?", Zayn asked Niall as he entered the house with packed foods in his hands. He didn't want to disturb his friends so he used the spare key he kept under the carpet.

"Don't know, maybe in your bedroom, unpacking?", Niall shrugged beside him.

"Right. Let's put this food in the kitchen first.", He said, to which Niall nodded and went to the kitchen.

After putting the foods in there, they headed towards the bedroom. Zayn frowned when he found no one in there but soon that frown turned to shock when he realized they could be in the closet. He knew there was no way his secret could be out but he didn't want to take the risk. He walked into the closet with Niall following behind and his eyes went wide when he saw what Liam and Louis were looking at.


He snapped out of the shock when he heard his two friends screaming and he knew, he knew his secret is out now.
"What happened Louis? Liam? Why you guys are screaming?", Niall said behind Zayn, making Liam and Louis turn their heads around.

"L-Loui--" and before Zayn could utter a word, Louis was right in front of his face. Holding Zayn by his collar and pushing him against the wall. His eyes full of Venom.

"Was that all true?", Louis whispered in such a dangerous tone that it sent chills down everyone's spine. They swore they had never seemed Louis like that.

"It's n-not wh-what--", Zayn started but cut off by Louis.

"YES OR NOT?! DID YOU MARRY HIM OR NOT", he yelled in Zayn's face making him flinch .

"Y-yes" and that's what Louis needed to ruin his perfectly sculpted jaw with a punch.

"YOU FÚCKER! HOW DARE YOU?!", Louis yelled and was about to punch him again when Niall came behind him and pulled him from behind. Liam who was seeing all these with a shock laced face, came in between them and drag Zayn out of the closet by his arm.

"Calm down Louis.", Niall whispered and let go of him.

"I CAN'T AND I WON'T.", Louis yelled and punched on a wall. He was furious. Now he knew, why had left all of them.
On the other hand, Niall was worried. He had never seen Louis so mad beside the time they had broken up before going to college. He knew Louis would hurt himself if he didn't stop him. So he did the only thing that he thought would calm Louis down.

He hugged Louis. He hugged him tight, nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck.

"Calm down. I'm here. Calm down.", Niall whispered against his neck and that calmed Louis down a bit. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around Niall and hugged him back. He couldn't deny, being in Niall's arms after 7years felt like home. Little did he know, Niall felt the same.

After sometimes, they broke the hug. Niall smiled at Louis who returned it too.

"Thanks Ni.", Louis said and Niall couldn't help but blush at the nickname.

"No problem. But you should listen to him too Louis. Maybe he has some story to tell too? We should let him explain first. We don't know the story.",Niall said and Louis nodded.

"Yeah.", Louis said.

Niall smiled and they walked out of the closet and came into Zayn's bedroom. Zayn was sitting on the bed with his face in his hands whilst Liam was pacing back and forth in the room. His face blank and full of confusion.

"Everybody, sit down. And you", Louis said pointing towards Zayn.

"Explain. Now."

Zayn nodded. He knew, he had to. There's no way he could hide it now. There's no use of it.

Everyone sat on Zayn's bed in a circle in silence until Liam decided to break it.

"Okay, start now."

Zayn cleared his throat before starting.

"Yeah, um, so it all started in the senior year - " Zayn started but again Louis cut him off.

"Thanks for the information we already know, now come to the actual point.", Louis said getting impatient. He glared at Zayn who sat across from him on the bed.

"Lou. Don't.", Niall warned.

"Start.", Liam said.

"Um, do you guys remember the 1week break we got after the explosion in the chemistry lab?", Zayn asked them to which all of them nodded.

"Yeah, but that was like 3 months after you joining the school?", Niall asked.

"Yeah. It all started in that week.", Zayn said, looking at his lap.

The others stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Um, Harry and I were getting bored. You know, Louis and you had went to that cabin to spend some alone time and Liam, you were busy with Sophia?",Zayn asked to which, all of them nodded again. But this time, with a tint of pink on their cheeks.

"Um, so one night we were like talking about our wild fantasies and Harry told me that he wanted to get drunk in the Vegas for once and see the strip dancers", he said and everyone's eyes go wide with shock. Because well, Harry was the most innocent person of their group, or so they thought.

Louis was about to say something but Liam held his arms as a warning.

"Um so I decided to surprise him. I talked to Harry's father the next day and asked him if we could go on a road trip for two days. He of course agreed. So then I packed our bags that night and told Harry that we're going on a road trip. He excitedly agreed. Then as expected, he got surprised when he saw the board of Vegas.", Zayn smiled remembering the memory. None of them said anything and Zayn was thankful for that. So taking a deep breath, he continued.

"Long story short, we got drunk and got married. That's why I don't remember much", Zayn said, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. Everyone's jaw dropped at the information. They stayed silent for some minutes before Liam decided to break it. He had noticed how Zayn's voice had become small.

"Okay, that's enough for today. I think, we should leave him alone for sometime. Yeah?"

"Thanks", Zayn whispered.

"No problem mate. Let's go Louis.", Niall said, dragging Louis out of the bed. He still seemed to be in shock.

"See you tomorrow.", Liam yelled for the final time from the living room before walking out of the house with Niall and Louis.

Zayn slowly got up from the bed and walked towards the main door. He locked it before going back to the bedroom again and put off all the lights. He didn't even change his clothes and laid down on the bed, placing his arms upon his eyes, blocking all the street lights coming from the window.

He mind going back to that day when he had decided to surprise Harry. Sure he had told nearly everything to the boys, but there was more to the story.

He didn't tell them how much he himself enjoyed that day. He didn't tell them that their marriage wasn't just a drunken mistake but also a result of his jealousy. That he clearly remembered every details of that day. Moreover, he clearly remembered that cute smile Harry had on his face after they got married.

He remembered. Everything.

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