19. Truth

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As soon as Zayn parked the car in front of the hospital, all of them got out of it quickly. Locking the car, Zayn quickly ran into the hospital, Liam, Louis and Niall following behind him.

He was glad that Harry had already texted him where he was, so they didn't have to waste their time asking the receptionist.

When they reached the 2nd floor, Zayn's heart shattered at the sight, so was Niall, Louis and Liam's.

Harry was sitting on the chair, his face in his hands and his shoulders were shaking. Zayn knew he was crying.

Suddenly, Zayn felt a hand from behind, on his shoulder.

"Go to him.", Liam whispered to him.

Zayn didn't need to be told twice. Nodding, he slowly walked towards him. His heart beating fast as he knelt down in front of him.

"Harry.", he whispered and finally, Harry looked up.

His eyes glossy, cheeks flushed and tear stained. He was hiccuping from crying for so long and Zayn's heart ached at the sight.

"Z-Zayn", Harry cried seeing him and did something neither Zayn, nor Harry himself thought he would ever do.

He hugged Zayn.

And as an instinct, Zayn immediately wrapped his arms around Zayn.

"Z-Zayn..Ra-Raph", he cried hard.

"Harry, Sshh. Raph will be okay. He'll be okay. Sshh", Zayn said while rubbing his back.

"I-I was i-in th-the da-day care wh-when I- I got this ca-call sa-saying Ra-Raph me-met with an ac-accident while cr-cross-ssing the road. H-He l-lost so bl-blood..an--"

"Sshh, calm down Hazz. Calm down. Our Raph is a strong boy. He'll fight", Zayn said as he held Harry tight in his arms. He could feel the cloth of his shirt around the shoulder is getting wet and that's what brought tears to his eyes as well.

"Harry?", they broke the hug as Zayn heard Niall's voice from behind.

Harry looked up and wiped away his tears before standing up. Zayn too stood up.

"Nialler?", and Niall's eyes became glossy hearing his nickname from his best friend. He quickly engulfed him in a hug.

"I missed you Harry.", he said in their hug. Soon, two more pairs of arms joined the hug.

"We missed you Harry.", Louis and Liam said in unison.

"I missed you too, guys.", Harry smiled through the tears.

"Doctor, is Raphael Okay?", Zayn's voice made them broke the emotional hug. It's only then, they realized that the doctor was in front of them and Zayn was talking to the doctor.

"We can't say anything right now. The kid has lost lots of blood and we need immediate blood transfusion, but the blood banks are out of O negative blood.", the doctor said, sadly.

"I have O negative blood. You can take mine.", Zayn said immediately and the doctor's eyes sparkled with hope.

"Great, come with me then. We need to run a few test on you, just to be sure and then we can start with the blood transfusion.", The doctor said, already walking towards a room.

"Yeah.", Zayn said, following him.

While walking, he turned around and looked at Harry, who was looking at him with so many emotions in his eyes.

"Raph gonna be okay.", he mouthed to Harry before disappearing into the room, the doctor went.


"You should eat something Harry.", Niall said but earlier, Harry declined. He would not eat anything until he sees his son.

"Hazz please?", Louis pleaded but still, Harry shook his head in no.

"Okay, have some some coffee then?", Liam said but again he shook his head.

It had been nearly an hour since Zayn came out of that room saying, that the doctor had taken his blood and that, Raph is gonna be okay. He couldn't be more grateful to Zayn.

"Harry?", Harry looked at his side to see Zayn looking at him.

"Wanna go to the park nearby for some minutes?", Zayn asked softly.

Harry thought about it for a moment. He could definitely use some fresh air for a bit.

"B-But Raph?"

"Don't worry Hazz. We've got this. You're his dad, so he is practically our nephew now.", Liam said smiling.

Zayn was glad that he didn't mention anything to Harry about them knowing about Raph. Maybe that's why, Liam was the mature one out of them, he thought.

"Thank you.", Harry smiled.


"Harry?" Harry looked at his side at Zayn. They were sitting on a bench, under a tree. A small gap and silence was between them before Zayn decided to break the latter.

"Can I ask you something?", Zayn asked slowly. Harry nodded in response.

"Is...Is Raph our kid?", Zayn dared to ask.

Harry stiffened in his seat for a second before he decided to tell Zayn the truth. No matter how much Zayn had hurt him,  he deserved to know the truth. So taking a deep breath he started.

"Yes, you helped creating my son."

Zayn wouldn't lie, it stung.

"Wh-Why didn't you tell me?", Zayn asked, his voice breaking at the end.

"You wouldn't have believed me.", was Harry's answer and Zayn knew, what Harry was saying, was true. So there was no point of arguing on it.

"Besides.", Harry continued. "You were straight. You liked girls, remember?", Harry said, mentally telling himself to calm down. But he couldn't. How could he? It was like, all the memories from their past were flooding back at him and he couldn't stop them from hitting him hard at his face.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He stood up from his seat, ready to get back to the hospital where his son was.
He felt some fingers curling around his wrist, stopping him.

"You still should have told me once Harry. I deserved to know. He's my son as well.", Zayn said, now standing up behind him. His hand still holding Harry's wrist.

"I came to tell you the night before graduation but when I opened the door, you were pounding on that whore.", and with that, Harry shrugged his wrist off of Zayn's hold and walked away.

Leaving Zayn alone with his guilt.

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