31. All Smiles

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1 week later:

"But you promised Luke, and you didn't show up.", Harry said from the other side of the phone.

" I know, I'm so sorry Harry. But Michael and Calum had to leave suddenly and Ashton was out of the city too, so I had to babysit Ava for them. I am so sorry.", Luke said as he started walking out of the café.

"Okay, but you gotta come the next time, okay?"

"Pinky promise.", Luke smiled as he cut the call and took a sip of his coffee.

He didn't look ahead as he was looking at his phone on one hand and sipping coffee from the other when he bumped into someone. That caused the cold coffee to spill over the person.

"Louis stop snogging your boyfriend and tell me who the hell gave you the right to send me on a blind date? He was so horri---- oh shit, I am so sorry. Are you okay?", A man with short brown quiff and a red flannel shirt asked in concern.

"Y-Yeah. I am so sorry it spilled over you.  I wasn't look-king." Luke started but he stuttered when he saw the gorgeous man with puppy brown eyes looking into his own blue ones. The man was still holding the phone on his left ear. Luke saw him mumbling a quick 'I'll talk to you later' before cutting the call.

"It's no problem.", the man whispered, smiling.

"Can I buy you a coffee?", that man asked. His eyes never leaving Luke's.

"N-No thanks. Yo-you don't need to.", Luke blushed at how lovingly that man was staring at him.

"I want to.", the man whispered.

"Okay.", Luke whispered back and the man smiled.

They started walking back to the café, both of them blushing red.

"I am Liam."


2 months later:

"Liam James Payne, you need to tell us what's with you and one of my best friends kissing each other?", Harry fake glared at Liam and Luke who were cuddled up on the couch of Niall and Louis' house.

They were at Niall and Louis' house for a sleep over like the old times. All of them got excited when Liam said that he was gonna introduce his boyfriend to all of them. To say both Zayn and Harry was shocked to see Luke and Liam cuddled up on Niall and Louis' couch and kissing, would be an understatement.

Niall and Louis got back together 1 week before the family picnic and everyone was more than happy for them. To everyone, they were perfect for each other.

"Oh you mean this?", Liam said as he placed a kiss on Luke's lips making him giggle.

"He is my boyfriend, my beautiful baby." Luke blushed at Liam's words.

Zayn and Louis  laughed loudly before giving each other a high five

"God, that was unexpected but welcome to the 'Sassy Top Gang' Payno.", Louis chuckled and both Niall and Harry glared at him.

"What? It's true." Louis flipped his hair.

"We'll see what's true and what's not", Niall whispered before licking the shell of his ear and Louis instantly stopped laughing.

Zayn who was sticking out a tongue at Louis in a mocking way, instantly stopped when Harry bit his earlobe.

"Put that tongue back in your mouth hubby. That is supposed to be out when we're alone.", Harry whispered before pulling away and smiling at him innocently.

Zayn gulped and nodded. Both Louis and Zayn's cheeks flushed when Liam and Luke winked at them.

Let's just say, they a fun guys' night after a long time.

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