4. Past - Harry

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"Oh my God, you love Mathematics too? Thank God, I finally found someone. Or else, everyone in my school thinks of me as an alien for liking that subject.", Harry squealed excitedly as Zayn laughed at his soon to be step brother.

They were in Harry's room, chilling and simply getting to know each other. Des had asked Harry to show Zayn his room till they call the two boys down for dinner. So now they were there, in Harry's room, sitting on his king sized bed, talking about their fields of interest.

"Um yeah. I love solving the problems and I love the feeling I get after solving or proving a problem.", Zayn said scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh my God, same. But I get irritated when sometimes I wouldn't be able to solve a problem though.", Harry said frowning and looking down. His frown got deeper when he heard Zayn 'aww'ing at him. He couldn't help but blush.

"Stop", Harry wanted to say it in a threatening tone but it came out as a giggle.

"You are so cute", Zayn said pulling his cheeks which made Harry grin wide 'causing his dimple to poke out.

Harry giggled out loud then suddenly placed his head on Zayn's lap, his arms circling Zayn's waist. He didn't know why he did that but at that time, he felt like doing it.

Everything got silent and Harry had started feeling he shouldn't have done that. What if he had made Zayn uncomfortable? What if Zayn now hated him? He didn't want to stop talking to Zayn. He liked talking to the raven haired boy. He didn't want to lose him and he didn't know why.

He was about to pull himself away from his lap when he felt Zayn running his fingers through his curls. He relaxed instantly and when Zayn petted his curls, he couldn't help but purr. He was slowly falling asleep.

"You are like a kitten you know?", Zayn said breaking the silence.

"Mhmm", Harry replied.

"Are you falling asleep Harry?", Zayn chuckled. Harry just purred in response.

"Aww, but don't fall asleep. You still need to have dinner future bro.", Zayn said, his fingers still in Harry's curls
Harry chuckled and was about to say something in response when Trisha's voice came from the downstairs.

"Boys, come downstairs. Dinner's ready."

"Guess, you can sleep now either.", Zayn chuckled as Harry pulled up his head from his lap and sat up. Zayn stood up on the floor and straightened his t-shirt.

"Let's go.", Zayn said and held his one hand out for Harry to take. But Harry had other plans. He yawned and held his both hands out.

"Carry me?", he asked in a baby voice. And who was Zayn to deny that cute face and baby voice. Smiling, he picked him up in his arms as Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"You know, you are a baby. My soon gonna be baby brother.", Zayn chuckled as he walked out of the room.

"Nope. I'm 18. We are of same age.", Harry mumbled against Zayn's neck causing him to laugh.

"Oh really? When is your birthday?", Zayn asked.

"1st February. When is yours?", Harry asked sleepily.

"You're still younger than me by 19 days. Haha. Mine is 12th January.", Zayn said. A victorious smirk on his face when he felt Harry pout against his skin.

"Meanie brother.", Harry said and Zayn laughed in response.

They walked down the stairs and Zayn chuckled seeing their parents' shocked faces. They were already on the table, with hanging jaws after seeing their boys like that.

"What?", Harry heard Zayn asking. He could still hear the chuckle in his voice and he liked that. He liked when Zayn smiled, the way his eyes crinkle and  his tongue caught between his teeth. He felt Zayn slowly and carefully putting him down on a chair then pushing it back so his legs were under the table.

"No. Nothing. It's just that we didn't think you guys will get on this well and this soon.", Des admitted. And it was true. Seeing both the boys were the only child, they thought, it would take both the boys more time to get on with each other.

"Well he is a cutie." And to prove his point Zayn poked Harry's left dimple causing him to giggle. Both the parents were in awe with their boy's interaction. Zayn was about to go around the table and sit beside his mother as always when Harry held his wrist and said, "feed me?"

Zayn looked at his mother who nodded with a smile and Zayn took the seat beside him and zayn started feeding him.

Harry couldn't deny this feeling. He was happy that it was Zayn who's gonna be his brother. He felt safe with him and most of all, loved. Yes, Des had always been there, his friends too had always been there but he still felt something missing. But with Zayn, he felt complete. So yes, he was glad that Zayn was going to be his step brother.

After the dinner when it was their time for leaving, Harry became sad again. So  before getting into the car, Zayn came and gave him a tight hug, whispering that they were going to meet again after the school starts next week. Harry only nodded and with that, they left.

Harry was sad. He wanted to Zayn to cuddle him. He wanted him to pet his hair again and ran his fingers through his curls til he fell asleep. He was getting attached to Zayn. So later that night, when Des had asked him if he had any problem with Zayn living with them during the school days he said 'No' straight away. He was happy that Zayn's house was far from their school, that meant, he spend more time with Zayn.

He didn't know why, but something in him was telling him to say 'Yes' to his father and not agree with the arrangements but he was a naive teenager and his attachment for Zayn was too much to listen to it.

He should have listened to it.

Um, guys, are you guys happy with the story? If you guys want to give any suggestions, please do. I'd love it.
Love you all. xxx

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