27. Childhood

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"Raph went to bed early tonight, why?", Zayn asked as he took a sit at the foot of the bed. After coming from the University, he was a bit shocked to see Raphael was already asleep and it was only 7 P.M. Normally, he would go to bed at 9 or 9.30.

"Yeah. So that he can get up early for the picnic tomorrow. Barbara is asleep too. Hey, your dinner in the fridge. If you want, I could heat it up for you.", Harry smiled as he rested his back against the headboard of his bed. With his eyes closed, he was sitting on his side of the bed, massaging his forehead.

"No, it's okay cupcake. I'm not hungry anyway. Have you had dinner?", Zayn asked, taking off his shirt.

"Nah, wasn't hungry.", Harry said. From behind, he was secretly admiring the way Zayn's back flexed as he slid off the shirt of his arms.

"What did Barbara said about the picnic?", Zayn turned to face Harry but soon frowned when he saw him messaging his forehead. He came and sat beside Harry and kissed his forehead. Harry smiled small.

"Oh, both Barbara and her husband is excited. Though her husband can't come. He has to go to our old bakery. Some problem has come in there.", Harry said, smiling lazily. Zayn nodded in understanding.

In the past few days, he got to know that they had moved in here from the country side because Barbara and her husband wanted to open another bakery in here. They still sometimes go in there though. To check up on the staffs and the bakery.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower.", Zayn said, to which Harry nodded.

Zayn was basically living with them now. After teaching at the University, he'd come at Harry's place daily and all of them would spend time together. Barbara was happy though. She was happy that finally Harry was smiling for real. Even Raphael was comfortable around Zayn. So she was happy for both of them.

That day after coming home from Zayn's place, Zayn and Harry both explained their past to Barbara. They were shocked when Barbara said that she had already sensed, there was something between the two going on. And that she was happy because she already liked Zayn. Both Zayn and Harry blushed when she teased them saying 'Now I know why my Raphael is so beautiful'.


"Hey.", A freshly showered Zayn asked as he climbed up on the bed. He sat beside Harry who was still massaging his forehead and rested his back against the headboard.

"Hi.", Harry smiled lazily at him before resting his head on Zayn's chest. Zayn ran his fingers through his hair, softly massaging his scalp lightly. Harry sighed in content. He slowly draped his one arm around Zayn's waist and closed his eyes.

"Had a long day?", still massaging his scalp, Zayn asked softly.

"Mhm.", Harry hummed.

"The children were handful today." Harry chuckled softly. "Kind of reminded me my time with Raphael. But he not a loud child though.", Harry said smiling. He didn't notice the sad smile on Zayn's face.

"I have resigned from the hotel job. Was becoming too hectic.", Harry informed him.

"Okay.", Zayn said, still massaging his scalp. He smiled to see Harry purring like a kitten at his actions.

"Hey. I have something to show you.", after some moments of silence, suddenly Harry said detaching himself from Zayn. He quickly reached out and picked his phone up from the bedside table. Zayn kept looking at him in confusion.

"See.", Harry said as he opened the gallery before showing it to Zayn. Zayn's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is when Raph was born", Harry said showing Zayn a picture of him holding Raph, wrapped in a blue towel.

"I-It's Raph?", Zayn whisper-asked. He could feel his eyes becoming teary.

"Yeah. It was the day he was born.", Harry smiled.

"He was so tiny.", Zayn whispered. "And so cute. Like a fluff ball" A small tear rolled down his cheek anyway. He had a small smile on his lips.

"Yeah.", Harry whispered. His headache long forgotten.

"And this" Harry opened another picture. "Was when we first brought him to the house."

"He's so cute", Zayn cooed at the picture.

"Yeah. He used to cry a lot.",Harry said while sliding to another picture.

"Why? Was he okay?", Zayn asked, concerned.

"Yeah. That's normal for babies.", Smiling, Harry said.

After that, for an hour Harry kept showing Zayn, Raphael's childhood pictures and videos. From the first time Raphael crawled, first time he spoke which was a small 'Da' , the first time he learned eating on his own, his first day of school to the last year when he got all 'A's in his school.

By the time Harry had put down his phone both their cheeks were tear stained.

Harry pulled him into a hug and nuzzled his face into Zayn's neck.

"I am sorry. I was not there", Zayn croaked.

"I am sorry too. I should have at least told you.", Harry whispered.

Both of them didn't say anything more. They didn't need to. After sometimes, they laid down in the bed. Harry placed his head on Zayn's chest as he listened to his heartbeats, his eyes were closed. Zayn played with Harry's curls as he looked up at the ceiling.



"I promise, the next time, I'll be there with you." Zayn said in a low voice, looking down at Harry's curls.

"And what made you think there will be a second time, huh?" Harry asked and Zayn could feel him smirking against the thin t-shirt he was wearing.

"Because you are my Cupcake husband and you love me.",  Zayn said teasingly and Harry chuckled.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say big guy.", Harry teased him as well.

"Oh and Hazz?"

"You still owe me a blowjob. You don't know how tough it was to go to the class thinking about ugly things today." Zayn pouted.

"Aww..but I don't owe you anything hubby.", Harry giggled.

"Hey, but you turned me on in the last minutes of my break."

"Not my problem that I am so good with words.", Harry sassed.

"You cheeky bastard."

"What? It's true.", Harry laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. But you still owe me one."

"Sleep Zaynie. Gotta wake up early tomorrow.", Harry giggled.

"Yeah." Zayn nodded.

"Night cupcake", Zayn said before placing a kiss on his curls. "I love you"

Harry smiled before cuddling more close to his chest.

"I love you too."

So, an update after ages.
Well, basically after 3 days. :p

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