24. Explaining - Harry

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"I missed kissing you", Zayn mumbled against his lips as he pulled Harry up by his waist so that their chests were pressing now. Zayn didn't know when unconsciously he had started grinding on him, making Harry moan.

"Me too. So damn much.", Harry breathed as he curled his fingers around Zayn's neck, before connecting their lips in another passionate kiss.

Still kissing each other passionately, Harry flipped them over so that now Zayn was on his back and Harry was. Straddling him.

"You know.."Harry pulled away from the kiss as he started working on a hickey on Zayn's neck. "...when I got to know I was pregnant, I was so happy." He said as he sucked on Zayn's pulse point. Zayn gripped his waist tighter as a groan escaped his lips.

"When I left the house I was so confused about where to go." Harry started unbuttoning the crisp white shirt Zayn was wearing. Zayn closed his eyes as his hands played with Harry's nipples, softly.

"I had only 600$ saved up.",moving down, he whispered as he unbuttoned the last button and bit on Zayn's toned stomach.

"I flew away to the country side where no one knew me.", he kissed his way up to the middle of Zayn's now exposed chest.

"That where, I met Barbara.", he kissed the skin just below Zayn's nipple.

"Th-Thenmmm..?", Zayn moaned.

"I went to her bakery to search for a job. Thankfully, she gave me. Then sbe asked me where I am staying, I said in the park 'cause I had no place to go. She then said that she needed a tenant and was willing to let me stay. But I said no.",Harry said as he sat on Zayn's stomach and looked at him.

Zayn slowly opened his eyes as his Hazel eyes met Harry's green ones and he reached out a hand to cup the side of his face. Harry leaned in to his touch before placing a gentle kiss on the heel of Zayn's palm.

"Why?", Zayn whispered huskily.

"I didn't have enough money to pay her for rent. I had to eat to keep Raph alive. I said the same thing to her and when she got to know that I was pregnant, she insisted more to help me. She said I didn't have to pay her. I asked her, why she is willing to help me so much? She didn't even know me. She said that she also had a son named Harry who died in a plane crash and that, she and her husband feels lonely in their big house. So I agreed to her offer. Barbara helped in everything Zayn. Through the pregnancy, after Raph was born..everything. I don't know if I could ever pay for her kindness. I-I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for her and her husband."Harry said as he voice became heavy with emotions. He would forever be grateful to Barbara.

"Hey", Zayn whispered as he wiped away a tear with his thumb. It's then Harry realized that he was crying.

"I am sorry.", Zayn whispered as he pulled Harry's face down, placing a kiss on his forehead afterwards.

"I am here now.", He said against the skin.

"And I will never leave or let you go.", Zayn said as he kissed both his wet cheeks then lips.

"I love you.", Zayn whispered before sucking his bottom lip lightly.

Harry nodded before pulling Zayn up with him so that, now both their clothed, hard members were touching each other, making them moan.

"Fućk. You're making it hard to control cupcake.", Zayn moaned when Harry started rolling his hips while licking into Zayn's mouth, messy.

"You know..." Harry whispered into Zayn's ear, licking the skin behind afterwards. ".... it was so hard during the pregnancy. There are certain things where, I couldn't ask for Barbara's help.", he said as he slid down the shirt from Zayn's shoulder while sucking a hickey on Zayn's chest.

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