32. Epilogue

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He blinked his eyes and smiled when he felt a pair familiar pair of soft lips touching his cheek.

"Hey cupcake.", He heard his husband whisper before placing another kiss on his other cheek.

"Wake up. It's time for you to go to University.", He heard his husband whisper then nuzzling his nose in his cheek.

"No!!! I wanna sleep.", Harry whined before pulling Zayn on top of him and rolled them over so that he could cuddle close to Zayn's side. Zayn chuckled.

"I know babe. But you gotta wake up too. I have dropped Raphael at school and Ralph at your dad's place. Now it's just just you and me who gotta go to the University.", Zayn said as he removed a curl from his forehead.

"So it's just you and me huh?", Harry looked up and smiled at his husband cheekily.

"So you are not sleepy anymore?", Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Nope.", Harry giggled before getting up a little and lying on top of Zayn. Zayn chuckled softly before holding Harry with on hand and his other hand kept playing with Harry's curls softly.

"It feels surreal, you know.", Harry said as he played with a loose thread of Zayn's t-shirt.

Zayn didn't say anything, just kept running his fingers through his hair.

"I feel like it was just yesterday that I walked through that door and our eyes met.", Harry said before lifting his head up and looking at his husband. Zayn smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I feel the same way.", Zayn whispered as he grazed his knuckles along his husband's jaw.

"Feels like, just yesterday I met Raphael and then you, again."

"Yeah, at least we didn't talk about Mathematics when we met this time.", Both of them laughed at that.

"And it feels like yesterday when Ralph born. I remember you crying so hard in the labour room. ", Harry said as he kissed his husband's lips softly.

"That was the 3rd best day of my life. First being called 'Papa' by Raph for the first time, second when I married you for the second time in sober state.", Zayn whispered and kissed his husband's forehead.

"I still can't believe we are the parents of a 10 years and a 3 years old boys.", Harry giggled and hid his face in the crook of Zayn's neck.

"Yeah, because you are a baby yourself cupcake.", Zayn smiled and placed a kiss on his curls.

"Your baby though."

"Yeah, my baby.", Zayn agreed.


After Harry giving him a messy blow job in the shower, Zayn returning the favour and some sweet kisses during the breakfast, it was the time for them to head off to the University. They talked through the whole drive to the University just like they had been doing for the past two years and stole short kisses whenever they can on a red light.

On arriving the University both would part their way but not before a warm a hug and Zayn kissing his forehead. Yeah, all of them knew that Harry was Zayn's husband but no one really said anything seeing Harry was studying Mathematics and Zayn was the professor of English. So they knew, Harry wasn't taking advantage of his husband. There were even students who would stop at their way just to see the lovely couple because, well, no one could deny, they were a power couple.

They'd have lunch at Zayn's desk together and then again would part their ways after the bell rang, just to meet again after the University. Then they would go and pick Raphael from the school and then go to their parents' house to pick their toddler up. Then they all would be back at their home. Would talk for sometimes, then Harry and Raphael would do their home works while Zayn would play with Ralph and cook the dinner. They all would have dinner together afterwards.

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