7. Present - Liam

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"Okay guys, see you later. Don't forget to bring Cheetos and soda.", Liam yelled from the kitchen. Putting out the groceries in the fridge.

They were at Zayn's house and as they had planned earlier, Niall was taking Zayn away to get the snacks because they "forgot" to bring them.

"Okay, but make sure Louis doesn't start doing anything funny. And thank you again guys, for helping me out with the unpacking. See you later.", Zayn said gratefully as he and Niall walked out of the door.

As they heard the door closing, Liam quickly came running down to the living room, only to find Louis was already present in there.

"Okay, what do we do now?", Liam asked nervously. He knew, what they were doing was bad. But they needed some clue about Harry, so it had to be done.

"Alright. Let's start our mission from Zayn's bedroom.", Louis said casually as he made his way towards the bedroom.

"Oka-WHAT?! No Louis, you can't just search someone's bedroom. That's personal.", Liam whisper shouted, though there was no one to hear them. Louis didn't stop walking. He kept walking towards the bedroom till he was at the bedroom door and stopped to answer Liam's question, who was right behind him.

"Exactly! Do you think a private person like Zayn would left this kind of information in open? No Liam. We have to enter his personal space. So shush and start searching.", Louis said as he entered the room. Liam following him closely.

"I guess.", Liam sighed in defeat.

They started searching each and every corner of the house. There was nothing much in the room though. Just a bed which kinda looked naked without a sheet covering it. A side table with lots of drawers in it, and a learning table across the bed. There were unopened boxed scattered on the floor, so they had to walk carefully. The only thing that was arranged properly was the big walk in closet Zayn had.

Louis started searching the drawers, only to find them empty, whereas, Liam started searching the closet as Louis had instructed him. Huffing, Liam started searching but he was 98% sure there was nothing.

Who the hell would hide something so important in a closet full of branded clothes? This is stupid. Louis is stupid. Liam thought.

"There's nothing in the drawers.", Louis yelled from the bedroom. He heard foot steps coming toward the closet, so Liam knew Louis was coming into the closet.

"Did you find something?", Louis asked hopefully.

"Nope. Nothing.", Liam sighed.

"Well damn.", Louis yelled in anger as he kicked a little drawer at the foot of the dressing table, which was in the closet. The perfume bottles on the table shook a little from the impact.

"Ow.", Louis said as his foot hurt making Liam chuckle.

"Awh Tommo.", Liam teased but then suddenly he remembered something

"Wait, I hadn't see this before. Maybe we should check that too?", Liam suggested.

"Okay, go ahead but I don't think we'd find anything Liam.", Louis said, clearly disappointed.

"Cheer up Louis. I know that Tommo brain of yours will find another way if this plan doesn't work out.", Liam encouraged him making Louis smile a little.

They sat on the floor in front of the dressing table and pulled out the drawer a little.  They thought it to be empty but their eyes lit up as they pulled the drawer a bit more and saw a big box in it.

"Yes!", Louis said in joy. "Let's take it out." And without waiting for Liam's answer, he took out the box and placed it in front of them.

"It feels like we have found a treasure.", Liam chuckled.

"We sure did. Now open it.", Louis said, smiling mischievous. Both of them hoped they'd find some clue at least from the box.

As Liam slowly opened the box, a small smile crept on both of their faces.

There was lying what seemed to be a scrapbook and the cover contained all five of their picture. The note below it saying, "♡Memories♡"

The turned the cover to be met with a pic of Zayn and Harry. Both of them smiling in what seemed their room back then. The five of them always hung out there during their senior year days. The caption saying, "Best friend and brother in the whole wide world."

Louis turned the second page and smiled wide seeing  it was a picture of the five of tthem the day they first met.
Liam looked at it and smiled bright. He still remembered the day when Harry had introduced Zayn to him, Louis and Niall as his soon to be step brother. It was the first day of the senior year for Zayn. Later that night, they all concluded, it the happiest they had seen Harry after his mum's death.

He read the caption that said, "Who knew, I'm going to have 4 brothers instead of one? :) "

Smiling, Liam turned around the page and instantly gagged. It was a picture of Zayn and Ellie, whom Zayn had started dating after 4 months of him joining the senior year. The caption said, "Love of my Life". Liam and Louis gagged at the caption too.

Zayn and Ellie had broken up, one month after Harry had gone missing. Zayn caught her red handed cheating on him in an empty classroom, with the school jock Shane. They didn't like her from the start. They all knew she was a slut. They all had warned Zayn that she's a bad news but he didn't listen to them. He was so smitten with her that he had even scold Harry for saying she is a bad girl and that she's cheating on him. They got so upset that they didn't talk to him for the whole week. Later Zayn had came around and apologized to all of them and they had started talking again but after that incident, they avoided the conversations including her. Even when Zayn said he was in love with her, they just replied with 'oh, that's great', 'congratulations'. And well, the three of them may or may not have celebrated the day they broke up.

They kept turning the pages and smiled at the pictures of their senior days. They were happy that there was no picture of Ellie anymore. They kept turning and smiling until Liam turned another page and both of them frowned. There was a picture of Zayn and Harry and the board behind them was saying  'Vegas' but they didn't remember the two of them going to anywhere near Vegas. Both of them had their index fingers on their lips as if to say 'sshh' . They looked happy and they were giggling. The caption said, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

"THEY WENT TO THE VEGAS AND DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME!!!! I FREAKING WANTED TO GO THEIR AND GET WASTED AND SEE THE POLE DANCERS BACK THEN. THIS IS UNFAIR!!!!" Liam jumped hearing Louis scream. He laughed then said, "Calm down Louis, you can go there now. Chill dude."

"But it's not the same Leeyum!!!! The teenage hormones are not here anymore ", Louis whined like a little child making Liam chuckle more.

"Aww Tommo. I'm sure you can bring those hormones back too.", Liam chuckled.

"Haha, so funny. Let's turn the next picture. It's getting interesting.", Louis said and turned the another picture. There eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

There was a picture of the two, giggling as they showed their left hand to the camera with rings on their ring finger. Harry's lips were pressed against Zayn's and both of them were giggling against each other's lips. The caption was written in a messy handwriting.

"Hubby :p"

They didn't even hear the door opening and their other two friends coming into the bedroom when both of them yelled-



Well, yeah! *face palms*

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