28. Picnic And Parents

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"I-I can't do this Zayn. Please take me back to home.", Harry pleaded, his hands were clammy with sweat.

"Harry." Zayn sighed before looking at his side at him. "I know you are nervous, cupcake. I am too. But we gotta do this. I know you are strong, don't let the nervousness get to you. We can do this.",  Zayn smiled reassuringly and held his one hand. He brought it to his mouth before kissing it softly.

"Dad.", Harry turned to see Raphael sitting in the backseat, looking at them with doe eyes.

"Yes bud?" Harry smiled at him.

"I love you dad." Raphael smiled back.

Harry mouthed an "I love you too" as Zayn looked fondly at the two before shaking his head,  smiling.

"And Zayn?", Raphael asked him. Zayn looked at him through the mirror in front of him.

"I love you too." And that was enough to wash away all the nervousness Zayn was feeling at that time.

"Aw, aren't you three are the cutest family ever?", Barbara cooed at them from the backseat of Zayn's car. She was sitting beside Raphael.

"Harry, Zayn is right my dear. Beside you two have each other, don't be nervous.", Barbara smiled at the two. Both Zayn and Harry noddes at her.

"Okay, let's do this.", Harry sighed before opening the car door. He could see Louis' car, meaning Louis,  Niall and Liam had already arrived. He could see two unknown cars behind his car as well. He released a breath, having an idea about whom cars it might be.

With a fast beating heart, he started walking straight to the picnic spot. Zayn,  Raphael and Barbara followed him. From a far, Harry could see them sitting under a tree. All of them were laughing and Louis was saying something with a wide grin. His heart started beating even more faster when he saw the back of the head of his father.

Zayn, on the other hand, was nervous too. He saw his mother and Yaser laughing at something Louis said. He was afraid, their secret would wipe that happiness off their faces. His heart swelled when he felt a a small hand slipping into his own. He looked down at his side to see a pair of innocent green eyes looking back at him with a smile. He couldn't help but smile back.

Trisha, along with Niall, Liam and Desmond was laughing hard at some joke Louis had cracked but their laughter soon got cut when she gasped suddenly. Desmond, who was in front of her, frowned as to why everyone had stopped laughing and looking behind him. Curiosity got the best of him he turned around and he couldn't help but gasp too.

There stood his beloved son. The son who left the house 7 years ago with just writing, 'I need to go, dad. Please forgive me. I love you.' He was beyond shocked.

He got up from the blanket he was sitting on and faced his son with teary eyes. He touched his face to see if it was really Harry, standing in front of him. The tear slipped from his eyes when he felt that it was indeed his son.

"D-Dad", Harry choked as his eyes became glossy too.

"H-Ha-rry", Des sobbed and Harry couldn't take it anymore. He hugged his father like he used to when he was a child. Like he did when his mother left them that night at the hospital. He didn't realize how much he missed his father.

"I-I am sor-sorry d-dad", Harry sobbed on his shoulder.

"Wh-why? Di-did I d-do anything wr-wrong?", Des asked the question that had been in his mind for the last 7 years.

"N-No.", Harry pulled away before wiping his tears with the sleeves of his t-shirt. Eyes puffy and nose red.

"I-I have to tell you something.", Harry said quietly before looking behind him.
Zayn, Raphael and Barbara --- who were looking at the reunion of the father and son, now looked at him with encouraging smiles. Harry looked at Zayn with something in his eyes, who nodded in agreement. He saw Zayn whispering something into Raphael's ear. Raph nodded before walking towards Harry. Harry smiled before reaching out his hands and Raphael held them, tightly.

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