10. Past - Night In Vegas(2)

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"Shit" was the first thing Zayn said after backing away. Harry, who was still in a big shock, stared at him with his big wide green eyes. Sure it was like just a peck on the lips, but still, it meant the world to Harry. It was his first kiss.

"Z-Zayn?", He started but Zayn was quick to cut him off.

"It was a mistake. I'm so sorry Harry.", he said apologetically. He was ashamed of himself. He shouldn't have did that to Harry. Yeah, maybe it was just the heat of the moment, nut still, how could he do that? Harry was his soon to be step brother for God's sake.

He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't even realized when his Harry turned and walked away from him. Harry was angry. At Zayn, at himself. First, Zayn scares that Luke guy off then the next moment kisses him and then says that he regrets the kiss. No, Zayn has no right to do that.

"Give me the strongest you have.", Harry ordered the bartender and he was quick to oblige. Minutes later Harry was drowning in the alcohol and it felt good. He felt at ease, calm. It felt like he could do anything. So after finishing his 3rd and last drink, he slowly walked towards a sofa that was right in front of a male stripper and sat on it. The male stripper slowly but seductively came towards him and sat on his lap. Harry couldn't deny it felt good but at the same time it felt wrong and he didn't know why. So he decided to ignore it and enjoy the night. That's what they do in Vegas, right?

On the other hand, when Zayn looked up and found no one, he figured that Harry needed sometime alone. He knew, he had no right to steal Harry's first kiss away just like that but he still didn't know what came over him that time. He blamed the strong alcohol he had before that kiss happened. But what he didn't know, was why his lips were still tingly from the kiss. So he ordered for some shots and when they arrived, he didn't waste a second to gulp them down. He needed to forget it.

After sometimes when Harry still didn't come, he started to get worried. He decided to look around for him and he started his search from the bar, 'cause he thought, Harry would go there to drink.

To his disappointment, he couldn't find Harry in there.

"Hey, have you seen a tall lad? Curly brown hair, green eyes?", he asked the bartender.

"You mean that guy?", the bartender asked pointing at a direction. Zayn looked to where he was pointing and suddenly, that feeling came back again.

That feeling, when all he wanted to rip away that man grinding on his Hazza and show the world that Harry's his.

Tipsy, he walked towards them and pulled that man from him. Harry, who was clearly enjoying the grinding frowned when he saw Zayn pulling that stripper away. The stripper didn't mind though, it was common for him. So after taking the money, Zayn practically threw at him, he went to another man.

"Wh-what ar-are you doing Za-zaynie?", Harry slurred, giggling. The alcohol was entering his system.

"You-you ar-are min-mine" , Zayn slurred as he pulled Harry towards him so that he was now standing in front of him.

"I am no-not your-ssss", Harry said and dropped his head on Zayn's shoulder and Zayn was quick to wrap his arms around him.

"B-be mine then.", Zayn said. "I get j-je-jealous."

"Awwwwwww", Harry giggled as he looked up at Zayn. "You look soooooo cute zaynie."

"Hey babe, wanna dance?", Harry looked at his side to see a man in his twenties winking at him.

"Yeeeeaaaa-" but before Harry could answer, Zayn mouth was quick to shut him up. He sucked his bottom lip and murmured a low 'mine' and Harry couldn't help but feel tingly inside.

The man awkwardly left them to continue what they were doing and Zayn smirked into the kiss.

He pulled away and Harry whined at the loss. He wanted to kiss more.

"Za-Zaynie-nieee...I wanth tuh kiss moreee", Harry giggled making Zayn giggle too and soon Zayn pulled Harry into a kiss.

He gripped his waist as Harry parted his lips a little. Zayn slipped his tongue in his mouth a little which caused Harry to moan obscenely and he tangled his fingers in Zayn's hair. Both of them couldn't deny, this felt right.

"Get a room already you cute kiddos or better, just get married and go on a honeymoon already.", someone yelled from their side, laughing.

Clearly, they were joking but they didn't know, both Zayn and Harry were taking that idea seriously. They pulled away, both of them grinning and giggling while looking at each other.

"You h-heard it Za-Zaynie? They think we are cute. They think we should get married.", Harry giggled.

"D-do you wan-want to?", Zayn asked, amused.

"With you, Yessss!!! You are theeeee besssst.", Harry said, again giggling.

"Let's d-do it then!!!!!!", Zayn said excitedly. Both of them forgot that they were going to be step brothers soon but that's what alcohol does to people, maybe.

"Yayyyy!!!!! We'll get married then we'll g-go on our ho-honeymoon and we'll have twwwwooo kids. Yayyy, my dr-dream to h-have a finally i-is going t-to happen. Yayyy", Harry said excitedly. Jumping as he followed Zayn out of the bar holding his hands.

"Ye-yeahhhh, I w-will fulfill y-your ev-everyyyy dream Hazza. You are my little cupcake.", and Harry couldn't help blushing at the nickname.

Soon, with the help of some people passing by and a little help of the google map, they found themselves in front of the priest. Holding each other as they couldn't stand still for very long, they were that tipsy. The priest looked at them weirdly, but it was common for him, so he shrugged it off. What he needed was their identity proof which they had, so he had no say in this.

"So do you, Zayn Malik accept Harry Styles as your wedded husband?"

"I do? I DOOOOOOOO. YES I DOOO. I FOOO", and Zayn yelled but then ended up giggling.

"Do you, Harry Styles, accept Zayn Malik as your wedded husband?"

"I do, I do, I do  I DOOOOOOO", Harry said, jumping like a kid, his curls bouncing.

"I may, now pronounce you two, husbands and husbands. You two may kiss now.", He said.

"You heard it Zaynie??? We are married!!!! Yay, we are married.", Harry said, his green eyes shining bright.

"Yesss!!!!! No-Now you a-are my husband. I will protect youuuu from everyyyyythinggggg. Let's kiss now hubbyyyyy", Zayn said giggling and Harry couldn't help bit smile at this innocent form of Zayn

"Yesss."and saying that Harry pulled Zayn towards him, locking his lips with his own.

The kiss maybe the third one they had shared together, but they couldn't deny, this felt more than right. Like it was meant to be.

Like they were meant to be.

Okay, I know that was stupid. Um, I don't know much about Vegas to be honest. So I couldn't put many details. Sorry :(
I'm really sorry if it wasn't upto your expectations. Hope you all are having a great day.

Love y'all ♡♡♡

Never Knew [Zarry AU]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora