16. Strawberry Cupcakes

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Harry just walked out of the bathroom after taking a relaxing hot shower, when he heard little footsteps coming towards his room. He smiled instantly, knowing it was his son.

"Good morning dad.", Raphael said as he approached Harry, while rubbing his eyes.

He was still in the same clothes, he wore the night before and his bunny was in his one hand. Harry cooed at his son's adorableness silently before coming towards him. He knelt down before giving him his morning hug. It was their routine, to start their day with a morning hug.

"Good morning bud. You slept good?", He asked once breaking the hug.

"Yes. But dad? Where is Z-Zayn?", he asked in a small voice, looking down at his feet, fearing the answer.

Harry didn't know if he should tell his son already that his 'friend' left this morning. He knew, it would break his little heart.

It was 7.30 A.M and there was no sign of Zayn. He didn't even heard his voice before going to take his shower. So, he figured, Zayn had already left after their 'Talk' this morning.

"I don't know bud. I-I think he left.", and there was the sad face Harry was dreading the most to face.

"Wh-why? Didn't he like me?", he asked in a small voice.

"Of course I like you champ. How can I not?", Zayn's voice came from the doorstep of Harry's bedroom.

"ZAYN!", Raph exclaimed before running towards Zayn and hugging his waist. Harry got up from his kneeling position and looked at the two. He was shocked to see Zayn again in his room. He composed himself and looked at the two interacting with each other.

"Good morning to you too Champ." Zayn chuckled before ruffling Raph's hair a bit, making him scrunch his nose.

"You ruined my hair.", Raph pouted and Zayn chuckled.

'God, is there any other thing we don't have in common? Well eyes and dimples, they are just like Harry's. I-I think, if Harry and I had a son, he'd be just like Raphael.' Zayn's throat broke by Raph.

"Where were you Zayn?", Raphael asked.

"I went to my house first, took a shower and then I went to get the breakfast for all three of us. Your favourite. McDonald's.", Zayn smiled when he saw the 6 year old's green eyes lit up in happiness.

"Oh my God. Thank you Zayn.", Raphael hugged him again, and Zayn would be lying if he said that didn't melt his heart.

"Now, go and take a shower. We'll be downstairs waiting for you.", Zayn said as Raph nodded and ran out of the room before saying a quick "okay".

Silence fell in the room as the two stood there, staring at each other.

"Harry.", Zayn decided to break the silence. Before he could say anything anymore, Harry cut him off.

"Look, I have been thinking about this the whole morning. Just hear me out, okay?", he said and Zayn nodded.

"See, it's not about me and you anymore. It's about Raphael now and I can do anything to make him happy. I mean ANYTHING. You can come here anytime you want, to spend time with him but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT HURT HIM. Okay?", Harry said in a deep voice and Zayn would be lying if he said, it didn't turn him on.

'Stop it Zayn, this is not the time. It's serious. Focus on your mission to win him back not on the other things, okay? Okay.'

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?", Harry waved a hand in front of him, bringing zayn out of his thoughts.

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