11. Past - The Next Morning

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They stumbled their way into their hotel room, holding onto each other and giggling. Since it was already midnight and they couldn't drive back to their home in this drunken state, they had decided to stay in a hotel next to the bar, where their car was parked.

"Zaynie, staph! It tickles!", Harry giggled as Zayn kissed all over his face, pressing him against the now locked door.

"Nuh-uh. I love kissing you. You are so soft. Like a baby.", Zayn too, giggled and kissed his lips finally.

"Mhmm", Harry hummed in response against his lips, which turned out as a moan.

Harry placed his hands around Zayn as the older lad picked him up in his arms, still lip locked in a passionate kiss.

"Slow down Zaynie.", Harry giggled as his back hit the soft mattress of the hotel bed, bouncing a bit from the impact.

"Nup."and with that Zayn came onto him, straddling him. Harry who was giggling at him, stopped and placed a hand on Zayn's right cheek, smiling.

"You are so beautiful Zayn.", Harry whispered.

Zayn smiled as he leaned down and kissed his nose. "So are you. You are so gorgeous Harry. So gorgeous"

And just like that, their mouths found each other again. Fingers getting lost in each others hair, hands roaming each and every inch of their bodies, moaning.

Before they knew it, they had taken each other's clothes off, breathing heavily as they held on to each other for their dear lives. Hands intertwined, as Zayn's thrusts got harder as per Harry's wish.

"I love you", Harry cried out as the orgasm ripped through his body and he came on his chest.

"Harry", Zayn moaned out loud as he came into the condom, collapsing on top of Harry afterwards.

"I love you Zayn.", Harry mumbled into Zayn's hair as he drifted off to sleep.

"Mhm.", Zayn mumbled against his pale chest as he let the sleep take over.

Both of them could blame it on the alcohol in the morning, but they do say, drunk minds speak sober.

Harry blinked his eyes open as the sun rays hit his face. He looked around the room and frowned, seeing it was not his room. He scrunched up his nose as a weird smell hit his nostrils and suddenly, his head started to hurt like hell. He felt nauseous. He got up, well, tried to got up from the bed but he couldn't. He looked down to see a a head with black hair was lying on his chest. He felt the person's 'friend' pressed against his thigh under the blanket and that's when he came to his senses.

His eyes went wide in shock. No way he had lost his virginity to a stranger. No. He wanted to wait to get married first then lost it to that special person in his life. He was about to freak out when the person turned around and laid on his back. His eyelashes were casting shadows on his cheeks and the way he was breathing through his slightly parted lips, made Harry to coo at Zayn forever. He saw that some of Zayn's hair was falling on his forehead, making him look even more cute.

Smiling, Harry held his left hand out and removed some of his soft, black locks from his forehead. Admiring the beauty in front of him silently.

And that's when he saw it. The ring on his left ring finger, shining bright in the sunlight. He brought his hand back to his eyes and looked at it closely. He took Zayn's left hand and saw it, only to find there was a ring similar as him, as well.

"OH SHIT!!! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!", Harry screamed in shock, not even realizing that his scream had made Zayn open his eyes.

"Ugh! Go away. I wanna sleep.", Zayn groaned as he pulled the blanket over his face.

"NO YOU CAN'T GO TO SLEEP. WAKE UP. ZAYN. I SAID, WAKE. UP. THIS IS IMPORTANT.", Harry screamed and Zayn finally sat up in frustration, eyes still closed.

"What happened Harry?", Zayn said casually, yawning.

"WHAT HAPPENED? THIS HAPPENED ZAYN!!", Harry screamed as he held his left hand in front of Zayn's closed eyes as well as Zayn's own left hand as well.

"Sheesh. Stop with the screaming, my head hurts so bad. And wh--", Zayn stopped talking when he opened his eyes and saw their hands. It took him about one minute to register what Harry was trying to say but when he did, he couldn't help but scream.


Harry flinched when realization hit him. He had totally forgotten that Zayn was his soon to be step brother.

"Shit.", Zayn whispered lowly.

"Indeed.", Harry mumbled.

There fell a complete silence, before Zayn decided to break it after some minutes.

"Listen, we'll think about it later. Let's first take a shower and get something to eat. This headache is killing me.", Zayn said looking at Harry to which he nodded, looking at his lap.

"Good. So um, I'm gonna take the shower first?", Zayn asked and again, Harry nodded.

"Um, okay." Saying that as Zayn removed the blanket over him to get up, his face instantly flushed. He hadn't realized, he was naked under the covers. He quickly covered himself back with the blanket and looked at his lap. Not daring to look at Harry.

"Um, why am I naked?", and he instantly felt stupid to even ask that to Harry. He dared to take a quick glance at Harry and he wished, he didn't. Harry was blushing furiously and he was topless, maybe naked too. And then realization hit him.

He had slept with Harry.

"SHIT", He groaned. "I'm sorry Hazz"

Harry finally looked at him, smiling a little as if to assure him that he didn't need to be sorry. Zayn smiled back, though it was a small smile but Harry still liked it.

But what Harry didn't was the thing Zayn said afterwards.

"Forget it ever happened, yeah?"

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