it seems like a good idea

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as rachel is at her locker watching her cousin marley who she is concerned about as she is shy and very thin rachel suddenly feels arms wrap around her and the scent of expensive cologne fills her nostrils.

"hello sebastian " she giggled

"hello to you" sebastian said before kissing her neck afterwards he releases her from his grasp so she can turn roudn to face him.

" so your a mckinley boy now. " rachel giggled

"that i am though as you requested i have kept my blazer" sebastian said before they kissed

" okay move along now" coach sue said a she walked passed

" rach" marley said causing them to break apart

" hey" rachel said

" can i ask you something private i mean in private" marley asked

" okay" rachel said

" i will see you in class" sebastian said kissing her forehead before walking away

" everything alright" rachel asked

" do i look fat in this jumper" marley asked

" no marley you dont i dont know why you think you are your thinner than me if anyhting your to thin im worried about you" rachel said

" im fine rach" marley said before walking away

" damn who is that babe" skylar asked rachel had met skylar with him being  sebastian's younger brother

" that babe is my cousin marley she is your age a sophomore " rachel said

" things are looking up" skylar said walking away as rachel headed to math class where sebastian had saved her a seat.

" she alright " sebastian asked he knew of rachel's concerns about her

" i think its more than just been uncomfortable with her body im gonna make an appointment to see miss pillsbury with her" rachel said

" well atleast she has you looking out for her" sebastian said

" yeah though im not the only one with my eye on her i just spoke to skylar he wanted to know who she was" rachel said

" well you cant blame him us smythe boys are completely mesmerised by you berry girls" sebastian said

" that is true" rachel said

" we should set them up" sebastian said

" i dont know with marley having issues..." rachel started to say

" she needs a boy to show her she is beautiful and make her feel special" sebastian said

" maybe a double date she is fragile right now but i get what you mean if she knew he liked her it might make her feel more confident" rachel said

" im not sure about a double date i mean what if i have one of my urges" sebastian said

" seb" rachel said

" rach you know as well as i do there are times i just have to pin you up against a wall and make you scream my name i cant help it" sebastian said

" im sure for a couple of hours you could controll yourself" rachel said

" maybe if you were to lets say shag me out before hand " sebastian said with a very hopeful look on his face

" i cant see that been a problem " rachel said


as rachel stood inline with sebastian's arms wrapped around her he was whispering sweet nothings into her ear she noticed marley at the counter and getting some salad and only salad.

once they reached the counter and had gotten their food they headed to the table where marley was sat at with tina and mercedes.

" its weird seeing you without your blazer dont you think it is rach" mercedes said to sebastianas they sat down

" well rach has seen me without any clothes so i doubt its that much of a surprise for her." sebastian said rachel blushed tina giggled and mercedes laughed

" marley do you want some of my chicken on your salad " rachel asked

" no its okay" marley said

" hello" skylar said to them all as he arrived

" hi" mercedes said confused as to why he would want to sit with the glee club

" this is skylar my baby brother" sebastian said

" oh i see well welcome to mckinley " mercedes said

" thank you" skylar said though he was looking at marley as he sat down

" so are you a singer like your brother" tina asked

"no im much better than he is" skylar said

" thats impossible isnt it rach. " sebastian said and she smiled

" what about you im guessing as the cousin of rachel berry you must be a singer" skylar asked marley

" i am yeah" marley said shyly

" talented familes arent we" sebastian said

" i was just thinking the same thing" skylar said

" were you in the warblers cause i dont remember you" mercedes said

" yeah but i had only just joined i think seb was worried i would out shine him" skylar said

" no i was reluctant to let you join because you never shut up and constantly annoy me" sebastian said

" isnt that what a little brother is supposed to do" skylar said

" so are you a freshman" tina asked

" do i look like a freshman " skylar answered

" yeah your adorable " mercedes said and he blushed slightly

" im a sophomore " skylar said

" your a sophomore arent you marley" tina asked

" yeah" marley said

" hey marley" jake puckerman said arriving at their table

" hey jake" marley said blushing rachel saw skylar give jake the same expression that sebastian gave fin everything he talked to rachel it was as if to say she is mine go away.

" so are we on for friday night" jake asked

" sure" marley said

" great i guess i will see you in glee" jake said before walking off

" whats friday night" rachel asked

" nothing we are just going to the movies" marley said

" oh" rachel said

" so you and he a thing then"skylar asked

" i dont know its the first time we have arranged to go out" marley said

" I see " skylar said looking annoyed marley finished eating her salad and left the table.

" damn it" skylar said

" sorry little bro" sebastian said

" its so unfair what does he have that i dont" skylar asked

" abs"  tina said.

"i work out" skylar said

" relax little bro good things come to  those who wait.

author notice

hi guys hope you enjoyed this chapter next chapter tonight hopefully

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