what a week

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as rachel at there at the table sebastian was looking at his parents waiting for them to speak and what they were about to say wasnt what either rachel or sebastian had expected them to say.

" i have been doing some legal work for a property development company and they gave me a great discount on a cabin by a lake about two hours away from here and we thought we might go his weekend you know leave friday night come back sunday evening" charles said

" sounds great but i would rather be here wih rach" sebastian said

" actually we thought rachel might like to come with us" maggie said

" wait seriously" sebastian said

" thank you but i doubt my dads will allow me to" rachel said

" we have spoken to your dads and they have agreed to it thruth is we thought skylar could use a break and we know your worried about marley. it will do you all good a few days out of town and the fresh air will help you get better seb" maggie said

" it sounds great" rachel said

" now obviously we need to talk about sleeping arrangements the cabin has two berdrooms so you two will have to share with skylar" charles said

" ok" sebastian said with a smirk

" we we find out you have locked him out of the room there will be trouble" charles said

" fine" sebastian said

" good well then rachel if you bring a suitcase on Thursday then come here after school on Friday we can set off early make the most of the weekend" charles said


rachel arrived at school with sebastian to find skylar being yelled at by kitty infront of his locker

" hey why you yelling at him" sebastian demanded

" because your stupid brother has got me suspended" kitty yelled

" good you deserve to be after what you did to marley do you not get the serious of what you have done its not a joke your messing with her health what if she had died" rachel said

" oh please its not my fault she listened" kitty said

" you dumb idiot you just admitted you said things to her and i recorded you" skylar said

" what" kitty said

" welldone little bro" sebastian said

" thank you big bro" skylar said

" now i think i will go play this to figgins see if he wount increase your suspension or make it a permanent thing" skylar said.

" your in for it" kitty said

" i would be careful our father is a state attorney" sebastian said

" whatever " kitty said walking away

" its sweet how much he really does care about marley " rachel said

" well he learnt from me how to treat a lady" sebastian said before kissing her

" rachel could i have a word" miss pillsbury said making them pull apart

" ok" rachel said sebastian kissed her cheek before makingnhis way to first class while rachel followed miss pillsbury to her office.

" have a seat" miss pillsbury

" is this about marley" rachel asked

" yes and no rachel i know how concerned you are about marley and i want you to know that you can talk to me" miss pillsbury said

" im ok i mean im hurt that she seems to blame me but i am willing to accept that if it means she gets better" rachel said

" good thats good i just want to make sure your ok i know you dont have it easy here at school" miss pillsbury said

" its not so bad now that seb is here" rachel said

" so things going ok with him" miss pillsbury asked

" yeah we are going great" rachel said not able to stop the smile on her face

" good now he isnt pressuring you..." miss pillsbury started to say

" no he isnt" rachel said

" good" miss pillsbury said

" is there anything else " rachel asked

" um no just that im here if you need me" miss pillsbury said

" thank you i will keep that in mind" rachel said standing up and leaving the office.


after school rachel and sebastian were at her house while she packed her bag for the weekend sebastian is laid on her bed while she packs.

" hey you two i just heard from your aunt that marley is been sent to a retreat for eating disorders she will be there for two weeks maybe longer depending how she does" leroy said

" oh daddy" rachel said hugging her father

" she is in the right place" leroy said

" yeah" rachel said

"right then i will leave you to pack" leroy said and he left the room.

" just think one more night then you get to sleep with me you lucky thing" sebastian said

" with your brother in the same room" rachel said

" i can bribe him into sleeping in the living room " sebastian said

" seb" rachel said

" alright then how about we accidentally get lost in the woods just the two of us" sebastian said getting up off the bed and walking over to her and pulling her to him.

"  you are something else" rachel giggled

author notice

hi guys next chapter tomorrow

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