oh thad

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the next morning is monday and sebastian has just pulled into a parking space at mckinley he has brought skylar and marley with him and rach as skylar cant drive because of his arm.

" right then i guess i will see you at lunch" skylar said getting out of the car

" yep" sebastian said

" bye" marley said as she and skylar made their way into the school building sebastian was looking around the parking lot.

" you looking for thad" rachel asked

" yep" sebastian said

" he might already be inside" rachel said

" yeah come on  lets go" sebastian said putting his arm around her and they walked to the entrance

" hey guys " kurt said as they arrived t rachel's locker

" hey kurt" rachel said

" so you guys ok about the weekend" kurt asked

" yeah" sebastian said

" really" kurt asked

" kurt obviously he is anger with skylar dont bother him about it" thad said arriving next to sebastian.

" actually i dont hold skylar responsible " sebastian said

" really" kurt asked thad looked confused

" yes kurt really while i admit at first i was absolutely fuming with him after talking to him i have discovered that if anythimg he was let down more than i was" sebastian said

" what" thad said seeing the anger on sebastian's face

" you know what thad and now so do i so lunch time meet me in the economics room because i wanna talk to you. " sebastian said before he and rachel walked off.

" please not fight i dont want your handsome face spoiled with a black eye" rachel said

" oh please babe im not gonna gight and if i did i could easily take harwood im actually insulted you think he could  manage to hit me" sebastian said

" im sorry of course you could take him" rachel said

" i dont want to cause a scene and thad is one of my oldest friends but i cant do nothing rachel " sebastian said as they arrived at his locker.

" i know and im proud of how supportive you have being of skylar" rachel said

" proud enough that i deserve a treat when we get home" sebastian asked pulling her into a cuddle

" nobody needs to see that " santana said walking past

" your the perv watching us" sebastian called after her.

" i willsee you next class" rachel said kissing him before walking towards her classroom while sebastian nade his way to his.


sebastian made is way to the economics room and stood waiting for thad puck he wasnt so bothered about puck had just being puck but thad should have known better.

" hey" thad said walking in

" think you owe me an explanation " sebastian said

" i dont understand " thad said

" well then let me spell it out for you thaddeus you are the one who ruined my party not skylar" sebastian said

" wait how did i he was the one who climbed the tree" thad said

" your the reason he did it" sebastian said

" me" thad said

" yeah you thad you made him feel like an idiot like he had to prove himself amongst my friends because you made him feel like a little kid. i know you and puck changed the plans for my party i know you discarded everything skylar wanted to do" sebastian said

" but i thought it was more what you wanted" thad said

"its partly my fault to i didnt realise how much it meant to him dont you see thad the party wasnt just for me it was a big thing for him he wanted to organise it for me.  the night he found out i was going to propose he started planning thad he had being planning it longer than rach and i have even planned our wedding. he wanted to do it for me as my brother he was so excited to do it. you tuck over made him feel like a little boy hanging out with cool older boys. you had no right he is my best man thad it was his responsibility. im not ross geller from friends i only plan on getting married once which means he wont ever get a cgance to do it again. fact is i actually realise how he felt because when the time comes i want to throw him his bachelor party as his brother it will be an honour. " sebastian said

" seb im sorry i just wanted you to have the best party" thad said

" his way was best he wouldnt be hurt then would he" sebastian said

" seb im sorry i dont know wht else to say" thad said

" you can say your sorry..." sebastian started to say

" i have" thad said

" not to me to skylar you owe him an apology" sebastian said

" ok" thad said it was clear to sebastian that thad realised how angry and upset he was.

" and you know what you can apologise to rachel too you ruined her night too" sebastian said before walking out of the room.

" am i still invited to the wedding" thad asked running  after him

" ask skylar its up to him if he wants you stood next to him" sebastian said

sebastian made his way to the lunch hall and walked over to the table he was too churned up to eat.

" hey gorgeous " sebastian said kissing rachel

" we were thinking of going to breadstixs after school if you guys wanted to come" skylar said

" sounds good" sebastian said

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