why cant life ever be simple

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its friday night and rachel is at sebastian's house waiting for him tl change out lf his uniform as they are going out for dinner. marley is also at the house she and skylar are going bowling later on so rachel is sat with them in his and sebastian's former playroom.

" im ready rach" sebastian said walkij0ng in a gorgeous sea greeny blue shirt and jeans

" right then have fun you two"  rachel said standing up and she followed sebastian out of the room and downstairs.

" are you going anywhere nice for dinner" charles asked as they reached the bottom of the stairs

" just breadstixs" sebastian said when they all hear a car pull up.

" you guys oder a taxi" charles asked

" no" sebastian said and the door bell rang and charles opened it and stood there was a woman. a woman who rachel had never met but had heard so much about she knew it could only be her. ms penelope smythe the younger sister of charles.

" penny" charles said looking shocked to see her sebastian looked pissed off rachel didnt know what to do. sebastian had told her his aunt penny was the most vain nasty bitch that ever lived.

" well im i to stay out here or are you goinbto invite your only sister in" penny said

" come in" charles said as maggie walked in from the kitchen.

" penny" maggie said

" maggie" penny said it was clear the two woman hated each other though rachel wondered how anyone could hate maggie.

" i assume im in time for dinner you were always an ok cook maggie" penny said as skylar and marley came down stairs.

" actually the boys are going out so its just a light supper for charles and i" maggie said

" oh come now i travel all this way and my nephews intend to go out surly they csn rearrange their plans they are but children after all" penny said before looking back and forth between rachel and marley.

" no" sebastian said

" oh sebby dont worry im sure whatever her name is can wait until tomorrow " penny said

" her name is rachel we call her rach and this is marley she is also rachel's cousin" charles said

" i see i guess that means their from a very distinguished family then" penny said

" they are two beautiful intelligent sweet girls who deseve my boys" maggie said

" so they are poor then" penny said with a laugh

" why are you here" charles asked

" why am i here your my brother" penny said before walking into the living room

" hold up you cant turn up out of the blue and insult us" charles said

" oh charles come on you know im joking" penny said

" seb sky can i see you in my study please" charles said sebastian kissed rachel on her fore head before following charles to thw study skylar trailed along behind him.

" dad im not staying for dinner" sebastian said as soon as the door to the study was closed

" look i hate her more than you two do shw is trouble whi h is why we have to allow her to stay for dinner we dont want her as our enemy for your moms sake" charles said.

" she hates m0mom why would you let her in the house" sebastian asked

" becauseshe could cause trouble for us and i dont want that now she obviously as come here for something and if we give it to her she will lewge us alone" charles said

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