party for two

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warning this chapter contains swearing

as it got late rachel and sebastian said goodbye to his parents marley had already gone home  fore they made there way to the pool house.

" so i got more surprises coming my way" sebastian said as rachel let them in

" you sure do" rachel said as she switched the lights on revealing his first surprise rachel had laid out a blanket on the living room floor with cushions. a stack of his fravorite dvd were by the tv snacks were laid out picnic style on thw blanket.

" you are adorable i love it" sebastian said

" why dony you sit down and i will be back in a minute" rachel said

" can i change first" sebastian asked

" ok" rachel said she followed him through to their bedroom where he saw the basket and investigated the contents.

" you have gone to so much trouble...wait this is massage oil" sebastian said smirking at her

" well golf can cause stiff shou,ders and i wouldnt want you to suffer" rachel said cuddling him

" no i guess not and you carrying my cake you could have slipped a disc in your back" sebastian said

" i could have your right" rachel giggled

" wine" sebastian asked surprised

" yeah i had a helping hand with that" rachel said

" are you trying to get me drunk" sebastian said before kissing her forehead

" you got me" rachel giggled

" i dont want to. ruin any plans you might have babe but we could take this basket through to the living room" sebastian said

" i was just thinking that myself " rachel said

" im going to slip into something sexy but comfortable and i will be right with you" sebastian said

" im going to change to" rachel said going into the bathroom as it was layer than she had expected them to get back here she knew the chances of them having a bath together was unlikely but thought they could do it tomorrow.

rachel got out her outfit which she had hidden under some towels she decided on a pink sweat suit as it wouldnt show what was underneath.

once ready she walked out to find sebastian wasnt in the bedroom so she walked into the kiving room to find him only in his boxers pouring them both a glass of wine while laid on the blanket.

" come sit down babe" sebastian said tapping the floor next to him.

rachel walked over to him and sat down he handed her a her glass

" thank you" rachel said as she had a sip

" so what do you want to do to me " sebastian asked winking at her

" shut up" rachel blushed

" how about i put a movie on and we dont watch it" sebastian asked

" ok" rachel said

once he had put in a dvd they got lost in a kissing session that only stopped when they needed air

" damn oxygen i could go on all night if it wasn't for it" sebastian chuckled

" have you enjoyed today" rachel asked

" more than you can imagine " sebastian said stroking her face.

" its ashame we had school" rachel said

" i know and while i enjoyed this evening this is what i was most looking forward to. i just wanted to be with you alone" sebastian said before they kissed again.

" would you like a back massage " rachel asked

" no but i would have a chest massage" sebastian said rachel looked at him slightly baffled

" i like to look at you when you massage me" sebastian said clearly seeing her confusion.

rachel grabbed the bottle of oil after rolling up her sleeves sebastian pulled her so she was straddling him as she began to massage him.

" thats nice" sebastian said watching her his hands tucked behind his head as he laid there.

" so you looking forward to Saturday night " rachel asked

" you mean my bachelor party " sebastian chuckled moving one hand from behind his head and stroking her cheek.

" yeah" rachel said

" i alwys thought i would want a wild night but thruth is i would rather be home with you" sebastian said

" seb your going to get laid be honest" rachel giggled

" i mean it dad gave sky a credit card to pay for it which means dad will know everything so its hardly going to be wild is it" sebastian said

" kirt has taken over from mercedes to organise my night" rachel sighed

" im sorry babe but i cant say im surprised " sebastian said

" i know he means well but kurt has a tendency to do what he thinks you should want not what you actually want" rachel asked

" i know just remember you have me to yourself all day sunday" sebastian said

" good " rachel said

" think its your turn" sebastian said as she finished rubbing in the oilhe reached for her zip.

" no its your night" rachel said

" yeah and my hands all over you seem like a very good way to spend it" sebastian said reachign once more for her zip. rachel saw the look in his eyes as he unzipped her sweat top rachel had for the first time ever bought some sexy underwear. she had gotton the idea when buying her wedding dress and having chosen special underwear for under her dress. the bra and panties she was wewring now were still pretyy tame they were black lace nothjng to raunchy.

" is that lingerie" sebastian breathed his hands roaming inside her sweater.

" do you like it" rachel asked feeling self conscious

" i love it you look fuckastic" sebastian said making her giggle

" come here" sebastian said pulling her down to him and kissing her.

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