the blame game

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as they all hugged each other knowing that skylar was brrathing another doctor came over to them and introduced himself to them.

" are you skylar's parents" he said

" yes" charles said

" im dr carter im a neurosurgeon" he said

" what " maggie asked

" your son was under water unconscious for several minutes and it took a long time to bring him round we need to run tests to make sure the time he was submerged hasnt caused any damage. plus i  have noticed he has bruising on the right side of his head. now i have to ask when he was underwater was he trapped and awake or was he already unresponsive" dr carter said

" he was trapped but he was unconscious " maggie said

" it seems likely that part of the boat or somwthing from the boat might have hit him and caused him to be knocked out i want to do a scan" dr carter said

" do whatever " charles said.

" i cant believe this my baby" maggie said

"  im sorry""charles and sebastian said at the same time.

" i should never had let him drive the damn boat i thought i could distract him about marley" charles said

" i should never have come up with the idea od pulling the boat it wouldn't have flipped over" sebastian said before breaking down into tears.

" its not your fault you tried to rescue us you saved rachel and helped us get skylar you have nothing to feel guilty about" maggie said

" you can see him now" a nurse said

" you stay here with rach  and compose yourself come in when your ready" charles said sebastian nodded as rachel hugged him. maggie and charles walked into skylar's room.

" i cant believe this" sebastian said

" lets sit down" rachel said leading him a short distance to some chairs.

" it was the worst moment of my life three of the four most precious people to me disappeared and then my mom came up and i was looking for you it felt like forever and you didnt appear. dad and i jumped in and i saw your foot i knew dad would go for skylar he knew i would go for you" sebastian said

" you saved my life" rachel said

" i ruined your hair" sebastian said as rachel had forgotton about him cutting it

" it doesnt matter" rachel said

" you still look beautiful even if you have lopsided hair" sebastian said as he stood up

" your going in" rachel said

" yeah come on" sebastian said

" i dont want to intrude " rachel said

" rachel i thpught i had lost you i cant be apart from you and anyway your part fof my family" sebastian said as they walked to skylar's room and went inside.

" ... you were always less trouble than your brother" maggie was saying to skylar as they walked in.

" thanks do i even want to know what you were saying before that" sebastian said before settling his eyes on skylar.

" you should ring your dads they need to know what happened" charles said

" i will do" rachel said

" why do people always look so small whennthey are in a hospital bed" sebastian asked

" because they are vulnerable " maggie said

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