the returns

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its two weeks since the boating accident its monday morning and rachel is driving to her aunts house to pick up marley who has completed her two week stay at the clinic. rachel is nervous as she hasnt seen marley since she was in hospital.

its also marley's first day back at school as well as it been skylar's first day back to sebastian is driving him to school.

as rachel pulls up outskde her aunts house marley is already makin her way to the car and rachel is pleased to see she is smilib.

" hi" rachel said as marley got in

" hey i have missed you" marley said

" i have missed you" rachel said

" i had a phone call from skylar this morning telling me about his near death experience i cant believe what happened im just glad your all ok" marley said

" yeah seb sqved me my hakr was caught on some part of the boat" rachel said

" he rescued you that is so romantic " marley said

" are you alright" rachel asked

" im getting there im just glad to be home" marley said

" so skylar rang you" rachel said

" yeah he is sweet he asked me how i was" marley said with a sigh

"  why did you sigh" rachel asked

" well its just i have been doing a lot of thinoig whilst i have been a away and i have to confess i have been thinking about him alot but i know i missed my chance with him i cant remember how many ti es i have yelled at him" marley said

" you havent missed your chance he adores you" rachel said

" you think" marley asked

" well he was unconscious and when he came around he mumbled alittle begore saying your name he must have been thinking about you whilst he was out of it" rachel said she turned to see marley crying

" marls" rachel said

" that is so sweet " marley said

" yeah he really cares about you" rachel said as they pulled into the parking lot of mckinley.

as they got out of the car rachel felt arms wrap around her and lips on her neck as she smelt his cologne

" good morning seb" rachel said

" you mean morning a good morning is waking up with me" he said as she turned around to face him

" no thats a fantastic morning " rachel said before they kissed

" morning marley" sebastian said after they broke for air

" morning" shs said.

later that day

at lunch time marley had asked rachel to collecther food for her as she didnt want to see people watching what she chose.

so once rachel had gotton their lunch she made her way over to the table and sat down next to marley placing her food infront of her.

" i will say this if the food here was as half as delicious as you rach i would be happy" sebastian said as he sat down

" hello" skylar said shyly sitting opposite marley but he was  smiling at her and she was smiling back.

" hi" marley said

" could you two be more adorable " mercedes said as she sat at the table

" awe little bro i do believe your blushing" sebastian said

" leave him alone" rachel said

" no its ok rachel everyone knows there is something between us and while i had wished to do this without an audience having faced death in the face i feel the need to be bolder. so here goes marley would you go to the cinema wih me tomorrow night" skylar said

" i would love to" marley said

" awe he is growing up" sebastian said rachel elbowed him

" i hope your going to kiss that better" sebastian said

" us smythe boys are a handful" skylar said

" we sure are and we can be cheeky" sebastian said

" seb" skylar exclaimed

" what i have nothing to be ashamed of" sebastian said

" ok i think we should change the subject" rachel said

" why you have nothing to complain about" sebastian asked it was rachel's turn to blush now

" marley can i talk to you in private" skylar said once they had finished lunch.


as rachel walked hand in hand with sebastian to the choir room she was surprised to see skylar and marley stood talking to mr shue.

" eight guys plesse take a seat marley and skylar have something for us" mr shue said rachel looked at sebastian before looking at the two of them stood there. they began to sing lucky ( as in the sam and quinn duet song)

as they sang " lucky im in love with my best friend" they both stopped singing and kissed.

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