midweek madness

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rachel is in sebastian's car on her way to school

" so do you like having me at school with you" sebastian asked

" yes you know i do" rachel said

" you cant get enough of me can you" sebastian said

" nope" rachel said

" well you know my mom has a doctors appointment this afternokn she wont be home till later we could go to mine and have fun" sebastian said

" sounds good but what about skylar" rachel asked

"i will kick him out of the house" sebastian said

" you cant do that" rachel said

" sure i can as the older brother its my right to tell him what to do" sebastian said

" leave him aline i feel bad for him thruth is he is a better choice for marley than jake is" rachel said

" isnt your appointment with miss pillsbury today" sebastian asked as he pulled up in the parking lot at mckinley

" yeah" rachel said

" she is lucky to have such a caring cousin as you and i am lucky to have such a caring girlfriend" sebastian said kissing her before getting their bags out of the trunk.

an hour later

rachel left spanish class and headed to the math class to collect marley who had no idea about the appointment.

rachel knocked and went in

" hi i have written permission for marley tl leave we have a meeting with the guidance councillor " rachel said to the teacher.

" marley your excused" miss holiday said

" whats going on is everything alright" marley asked rafhel as they lef the class

" your coming with me to see guidance councillor " rachel said

" wait oh my god are you pregnant " marley asked

" no marley im not the appointment isnt for me" rachel said as they arrived

" hi guys come sit down" emma pillsbury  said

" why am i here" marley said and miss pillsbury handed her  pamphlet that said so you like throwing up

" what is going on" marley asked again

" rachel has become concerned for your health" miss pillsbury said

" i eat im fine" marley said

" you eat nothing but salad literally lettuce and thats it you skip breakfast you make excuses to eat your dinner alone" rachel said

" i know it can be hard been a young girl but this is a serious issue and i am required to inform your parents" miss pillsbury's said

" no you cant my mom has enough on her p,ate without worrying for nothing " marley said getting upset.

" i have told your mom" rachel said

" when" marley yelled

" monday when i made the appointment to see miss pillsbury your mom has asked miss pillsbury to help her know how to helo you marley. look i know you will hate me for this but i love you marley your like a sister to me and i want you healthy" rachel said getting upset as marlay stormed out fo the office.

" she will come round" miss pillsbury said to rachel

  i know i dont care that she is mad t me its for her own good though i might cry" rachel said.


rachel sat on sebastian's knee after eating her lunch they were sat with the glee club and marley wws making her way over to the table glaring at rachel.

" hey marley " skylar said as he pulled out a chair for her

" hey skylar" marley said

" you okay" skylar asked seeing her glaring at rachel

" yeah im fine im just gonna sit here and eat this salad" marley said

" dude i thought i told you to back off" jake said arriving behind skylar's chair

" so you think there is something wrong with me asking her if she is okay" skylar asked

" given you sent her flowers yesterday yeah there is" jake said

" tell me how long have you two been dating oh wait your not dating" skylar said

" marley  i will see you later" jake said walking off  leaving a smug looking skylar

" marley you have plans with jake on friday do you have plans tonight" skylar asked

" yeh no doubt i will be getting questioned by my mom" marley said looking at rachel

" okay so your not free" skylar asked

" you know what actually i am free i dont feel like going home before curfew tonight" marley said

" great how about we go bowling thenngrab something to eat" skylar said looking like Christmas had come early

" sounds great maybe we could take selfies of our meal that way it will prove i do eat" marley said skylar looked confused and looked at sebastian.

" okay" skylar said

" well if we are having a nice meal i wouldnt want to get to full" marley saod getting up and leaving the table

" what the hell was that" skylar asked rachel looked at sebastian before saying

" i think she has an eating disorder" rachel said

" really" skylar asked concerned

" i have told her mom my fears and the guidance councillor she hate me for it" rachel said starting to cry sebastian rubbed her back while kissing her cheek.

" well you know i have nothing but the upmost respect for her and i will help if i can" skylar said

" thank you" rachel said

" yes" skylar yelled out " i have a date with my dream girl"

" that was so uncool" sebastian said

" oh please the first time you kissed rachel she left the room you fist pumped the air " skylar said

" awe" rachel said kissing sebastian

" i know im adorable " sebastian said

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