a vision in white

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its Thursday evening and rachel is stood in a fitting room with marley who is helping her put the first of several selected wedding dresses on. its a thin strapped floor length ivory silk its pretty simply decorated.

" wow" marley said once the dress was on. she opened the door and rachel walked out infront of her dads maggie anita and mercedes.

" thats a truly stunning dress " anita said

" yeah it is" rachel said looking in the mirror

"  but its not the one is it" maggie said with a smile

" no" rachel said she had to admit while the dress was stunning it wasnt what she wanted.

the next dress rachsl didnt even bkther to leave the fitting room she felt it looked more like a bridesmaid dress than a wedding dress. the third dress was the one that had really caught her eye it was a strapless knee length dress the top part was fitted and decorated with lace the bottom was a puffed out not ridiculously but it suited her body shape and showed her legs.

" this one is amazing " marley said

" this one feels amazing" rachel said feeling emotional as she keft the fitting room

" thats it princess" leroy said

" it is look at her" maggie said

" i love this one " rachel said

" try the others tk make sure but i agree i doubt it will be topped its like it was made for you" hiram said.

an hour later havi g tried on four more dresses rachel was more convinced than ever that the third one was her dress. she tried it on once more the feeling was the same so her decision was made and she had booked appointments to have it fitted properly.

" next week we will sort your dresses out." rachel said to marley and mercedes

meanwhile across town

" well im between this grey suit and the black one" sebastian said admiring himself in th mirror of the tailors store his dad uncle martin and skylar and thad were there.

" both are great" charles said

" the black one makes me look like james bond which i quite like and this one makes my bum look fantasticas naturaly as i will be saying my vows my ass will be on view to the guests" sebastian said

" you do know its the rachel  who should be so focused on her dress not you on your suit" skylar said

" your just jealous as i could clearly play 007 and you couldn't you dont have the bone structure " sebastian said

" so does that mean you are going with the black suit then" thad asked

" im still not sure" sebastian said

" which would rachel prefer you in" charles asked

" well she fell in love with me thanks to the dalton blazer" sebastian said

" try a navy suit then" martin said

" or just wear the dalton blazer" thad said

" i think the grey one definitely shows my best features" sebastian said

" does that mean you have chosen" charles asked

" i think i will try a navy one just to make sure" sebastian said

" oh im going for some fresh air" skylar said walking out

sebastian tuck the navy suit the store worker had just handed him and walked into the changing room.

" well" sebastian asked walking out in the suit

" thats a smart suit" martin said

" i dont know i still think the grey one i know rach likes me in navy but i can just wear the daltonnone when she wants i think the grey one wins" sebastian said

" great choice" charles said a skylar came in

" you mean he has chosen" skylar asked

" yep the grey one" thad said

" so the ass won then" skylar said

" sure did little bro" sebastian said

" now shoes sir " the store worker said

" another time" charles said

" but" sebastian objected

" seb you have tken so long decideding we dont have time today" charles said

" well excuse me for wanting to look my best" sebastian said though he was grinning.

later that night

rachel was in the bath tub resting against sebastian who was playing with her fingers

" so you have your dress i have my suit. ow we have to set a date" sebastian said

" yeah we do" rachel said

" how about the week after my birthday " sebastian said

" yeah because it will be summer then" rachel said

" yeah it will just think we can do this for the rest of our lives" sebastian said kissing her neck.

" yeah we can and just knowing the bright futures we both have we will be experiencing together" rachel said

" i can't wait to be sat front row opening night as you take to the broadway stage and as you receive a standing ovation and i can honestly turn to the person next to me and say she is my wife" sebastian said

" awe are you still thinking about nyada" rachel asked

" yeah i am i think my natural flare for attention will be put to good use" sebastian said

" it will" rachel said reaching round and stdoking his face.

" you know we could practice now" sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" we could role play" sebastian said with a chuckle kissing her neck to her shoulder

" seb" rachel exclaimed giggling

" it will help our careers im only thinking of you babe and our future" sebastian said

" honestly" rachel giggled as they both got out of the bath tub.

" ok first i will be a sick person you  can be my nurse" sebastian said having gotton the vapour rub out of the cabinet in the bathroom.

" funny i thought that might be the case" rachel giggled

" dont worry wifey cakes once you have nursed me back to health i plan to be a very devoted doctor to you" sebastian said

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