the end of the night

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rachel was with mercedes laughing as sebastian sam puck ans hunter were all stood shirtless flexing in the middle of the dance floor.

" honestly " mercedes giggled

" our two are the best" rachel said

" yeah we are lucky" mercedes said as the two still shirtless boys walked over to them.

" i should have married you like this after all technically my boy is yours now " sebastian said sitting downnin the chair noxt to her. kurt and blaine arrived at the table kurt was trying his best to avert his eyes off of sebastian's naked chest.

" ofcourse i didnt join in as i didnt want to embarrass my big bro on his wedding day" skylar said

" yeah yeah " sebastian laughed

" that was quite an experience " leroy said sitting down at the table.

" i was going for understated you know me not one for attention " sebastian said before cuddling up to rachel.

" oh we know just how humble you are sebastian it was tbe very first thing hiram and i noticed about you" leroy chuckled.

" glad i made a good first impression " sebastian said

" oh you certainly made an impression " hiram said walking past their chairs as the day i fall in love by dolly parton and james ingram started to play.

" you love this song" sebastian said taking hold of rachel's hand and leading her to the dancefloor.

as they started to way the dancefloor around them filled with couples including both sets of parents.

" you know i know today is a big day a day we will never forget but i have to admit i kind of wish the party would end. so we could just be alone in our house and talk about the future we want to have" sebastian said

" so you kids call it talking now " charles said as he waltzed maggie past them.

" charles " maggie exclaimed before laughing

" remember when i told you seb got his wit from charles " maggie said to rachel

" i remember " rachel giggled

" you girls talk about us alot" charles asked

" oh yes" maggie said

" really" sebastian asked

" well your my fravorite subject " rachel said

" anr your mine" sebastian said before kissing her they quickly got lost in the kiss that when they broke for air rachel was surprised that that were on the dancefloor inf4ont of people. when he kissed her it felt like everything but the two of them disappeared.

the night went by people started to leave it was getting quite late it was clear maggie was getting tired charles was starting to fuss over her.

" shall we wrap things up" sebastian asked having takennrachel by the hand and walked over to where his parents were sat.

" you dont mind if i go lay down" maggie asked

" ofcourse not are you alright " rachel asked

" im fine its been a wonderful day" maggie said getting emotional she stood up and pulled sebastian into a tight hug.

" you kids enjoy yourselves " charles said holding maggie's hand

" think we should call it an night " sebastian said

" you cant just kick people out" charles said

" no but i can" puck said them he walked the small stage and grabbed a microphone

" ok listen up the party is over so you gotta get lost ok now any of you pretty single girls dont feel like you wanna go home your welcome to join me at my after party" puck said

" he is am nice guy shame hos brother is such an ass. " skylar said

" yeah he his and dont give jake ankther thought you got marley" rachel said

" i did" skylar said watching marley as she said goodnight to hsr mom.

" im going to say goodnight to my dads" rachel said

" ok babe" sebastian said

after saying goodbye and goodnight for what felt like forever it was just rachel sebastian skylar and marley.

" well then little bro have fun and thank you for today" sebastian asked hugging him as marley and rachel hugged too.

" i will make sure the coffee is extra strong tomorrow incase you dont get much sleep" skylar said as the four of them left the marque  rachel and sebastian watched marley and skylar head into the house before they set offto the pool house.

sebastian unlocked the door before turing around and scooping her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold. kicking the door closed with his foot he carried her straight to their bedroom.

"im guessing i know what you want to do" rachel giggled as he set her down gently on the bed

" i dknt knlw where the idea that im a sex addict has come from" sebastian said

" im not complaining " rachel said grabbing hold of his tie and pulling him to her to kiss him.

author notice

hi guys next chapter will the final part of this story thank you for your continued support of my stories i have loved writting this one.

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