this is our moment

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rachel was now stood pressed against her car by sebastian as they had a long lingering kiss her bags were in her car she was already to go to her dads for the night.

" i guess this is it then next time i see you you will be in your dress" sebastian said stroking her cheek

" yeah and you will be all kinds of hot in your suit" rachel said

" damn right i will." sebastian said making her laugh

" i cant believe i have to go today as gone to quickly " rachel said

" it has but i cant wait for tomorrow " sebastian said

" niether can i" rachel said they kissed again it last several minutes until they needed air.

" well then see you tomorrow babe at our wedding " sebastian said

" i cant believe its tomorrow " rachel said

" just think this is your final night of being a berry from now on your a smythe " sebastian said

" does that mean im going to have tantums" rachel giggled

" you already do thats why i love you so much you remind me of me and i love me" sebastian said

" honestly " rachel said

" you love it" sebastian said

" i love you " rachel said

" and i you " sebastian said

" i best be going" rachel said

" im gonna go to bed the time will pass quicker that way" sebastian said

" i plan to do that too but my dads will no doubt have something planned" rachel said

" yeah knowing them" sebastian said

" and ofcourse there is kurt" rachel said

" actually kurt wont be there" sebastian said

" how do you know that" rachel asked

" i told blaine to invite him to his so tht he didnt bother you" sebastian said

" awe thats so sweet" rachel said

" that me babe sweet as candy" sebastian said pulling into a cuddle

" i really have to go" rachel said

" one more kiss and i will let you leave" sebastian said

after another mind blowing kiss rachel is on her way to her dads sebastian watched her drive away blowing her kiss the whole time.

the big day

rachel woke up in her old bed marley was on the cmp bed mercedes was in the guestroom rachel sat up possessing that today was her wedding day.

she checked her phone sebastian had sent her a message

morning wifey
a few more hours
and your all mine.
hope you slept well
as you wont be
tonight... i have
being up for forty
minutes im 2 excited
to sleep. cant wait to
see you... love hubby
2 be xx

rachel could help the smile spreading across her face as she typed her reply

morning hubby
to be. i missed you
ladt night cant wait
to see you. i figured
i wouldnt be getting
any sleep tonight
given 4the past 2weeks
you insisted on
rehearsing our wedding
night. i just woke up i
needed my beauty
sleep xx

she wasnt waiting long for a response

you dont need beauty
sleep your perfect as
you are. and no im
not saying that to
get lucky i know i will
be its like the law
wedding night = sex.
and lots of it. im
counting down the hours
sky has told me 2 shut up
twice already xx

rachel replied that she was exvited and wanted to start getting ready.

" let me guess texting your groom" marley asked

" yeah" rachel said

" sky has text saying seb is doing his head in" marley said

" seb says sky has told him to shut up twice" rachel giggled as mercedes opened the door she was with hiram and leroy.

" hey princess " leroy said rushing in to hug her

"  morning daddy" rachel said

" here you go" hiram said placing a tray on her lap before kissing hef cheek

" you need a good breakfast  in you today" leroy said


sebastian was in the kitchen of his  parents house having his second coffee of the day skylar was at the breakfast bar eating breakfast.

" will you seat down your making me nauseous pacing about" skylar said

" i cant help it im excited" sebastian said

" sky did you honestly think he would be calm" charles said walking in

" is mom up yet" sebastian asked

" she is awake im gonna take some breakfast up to her." charles said

" im going to go see her" sebastian said walking out of the kitchen he all but ran uo the stairs he found their bedroom door open his mom smiled as she saw him.

" so you big day has finally arrived" maggie said as sebastian sat on the bed

" yep" sebastian said maggie sat up and hugged him

" im so proud of you" maggie said

" really" sebastian asked

" ofcourse" maggie said

" i deserve her dont i" sebastian asked

" ofcourse you do your perfect for each other you always were you just clicked together " maggie said

" dad said same about the two of you" sebastian said

" exactly thats why i know you two are meant for each other i know what true love is" maggie said stroking his face

" you two have being good role models for us" sebastian said

" im glad " maggie said as charles arrived with her breakfast

" our boy is all grown up" he said placing the tray on her lap.

" and i dont think sky is far ebhind" sebastian said

" you both have found nice girls" charles said

" so did you" sebastian said

" cant deny that" charles said beaming at maggie who blushed

" oh charles" maggie said

" mom your blushing" sebastian said

" shut up and go have something to eat soak up some of that caffeine" charles said

" ok places everyone" skylarsaid walking in with  a camera he set the timer and climbed on the bottom of he bed sebastian was next to maggie on the left charles was on her right as the flash went off.

" good idea sky" charles said patting his shoulder

" well i thought what does seb like and i thought having his photo taken" skylar said chuckling

" i will break your other arm" sebastian said doig0ng an identical chuckle

" seb" maggie said

" im going for some breakfast " sebastian said happily jumping off the bed.

author notice

next chapter tomorrow

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